
  1. 你愿意做我的情人吗?

    Will you be my valentine ?

  2. CHRISROCK:在校车上的咒骂中结束我的情人节

    CHRIS ROCK : Getting cursed out on a bus

  3. 想寄张情人卡给我的情人。

    I am going to send my sweetheart a valentine 's card .

  4. 我的情人们,你知道我们都是凡人。

    My loves , you know we are mortals .

  5. 老兄“做我的情人”可真酷

    Man , " Be my Valentine , " that 's so cool .

  6. 噢我的情人,你要游荡去哪里?

    O mistress mine , where are you roaming ?

  7. 他是我的情人而她却跑去嫁给他了。

    He 's my beau , and she 's gone and married him .

  8. 你愿做我的情人吗,我是真的非常爱你!

    Will you be my valentine , I really love you very much !

  9. 美好的传说会变成现实,我的情人。

    Fairy tales can come true , valentine .

  10. 戈登:你会做我的情人吗?

    Gordon : Would you be my valentine ?

  11. 宝贝,当我的情人吧?

    Baby , will you be my valentine ?

  12. 那么你觉得她是我的情人吗?

    You think she 's my lover then ?

  13. 安娜曾经是我的情人。

    ANA used to be my flame .

  14. 问题:为什么当我的情人和别人说话,我会嫉妒?

    Question : Why do I get so jealous when my partner talks to other people ?

  15. 朱尔斯博诺是我的情人。

    Jules Bonnot was my lover .

  16. 她不是我的情人

    She is not my mistress .

  17. 我的情人一点都不老。

    My lover is not old .

  18. 卡片上写着:“我的情人节礼物”,跟往年一样。

    The card said , " Be my Valentine , " like all the years before .

  19. 决定爱你,是正确的选择。愿你今生今世做我的情人。

    I made the right choice when I decided to love you . Be my Valentine forever .

  20. 我的情人,你站在大家身后,藏身于何处的阴影里呢?

    Where dost thou stand behind them all , my lover , hiding thyself in the shadows ?

  21. 愿你今生今世做我的情人。

    Be my Valentine forever .

  22. 我的情人曾经走近死亡之门和永劫的边际。

    My lover had been at the gates of death , and at the very brink of eternity .

  23. 桑娅毁了我的情人节之后,我本可以坐着为自己感到难过。

    Once Sonia blew up my Valentine 's Day , I could have sat around feeling sorry for myself .

  24. 不管用什幺方式,都是一样的&“你愿做我的情人吗?”

    But in whatever form , the message is the same - " will you be my valentine ? "

  25. 我的情人可能会要我带她出去吃饭,而城区的高档餐厅只有一家,另外一家还算过得去。

    My mistress will demand to be taken out , and there are only one and a half decent restaurants in the town .

  26. 这些诗句传递的基本信息总是“做我的情人吧”、“做我甜蜜的心上人或情人吧”。

    The basic message of the verse is always " Be My Valentine , " " Be My Sweet Heart " or " Lover . "

  27. 如果只有少数人-值得信赖的朋友,重要的亲属,前男友-可以看到我的情人多美丽是很好的。

    It would be great if only a select few people trustworthy friends , important relatives , ex-boy friends could see how beautiful my beau is .

  28. 他去世的那年,玫瑰花送到了她的门口,卡片上写着:“我的情人节礼物”,跟往年一样。

    The year he died , the roses were delivered to her door . The card said , " Be my Valentine , " like all the years before .

  29. 是我的情人,让我经历成长的烦恼,情感的挫折,阅读的积累,性格的成熟。

    It is my sweetheart who makes me experience the vexation of the growth , the emotional setback , the accumulation of the reading , the maturity of the the disposition .

  30. 他在钢琴的伴奏下演唱了《我可爱的情人》。

    He sang ' My Funny Valentine ' to a piano accompaniment .