
  • 网络I can't see it.;I cannot see
  1. 但我看不到这种需求将来自哪里。

    But I cannot see where that would come from .

  2. 他们无意让步,所以我看不到任何妥协的前景。

    They are not inclined to take a step , so I cannot see any future of compromise .

  3. 我看不到谁在讲话,但我能听出来。

    I couldn 't see who was speaking , but I knew the voice .

  4. 只有树和岩石,我看不到那中间有什么。

    There is only the tree and rock . I can see nothing between .

  5. 我看不到未来!

    I can 't see into the future !

  6. 我看不到Charlie了她去哪儿了哦她在那儿

    I don 't see charlie . Where 'd she go ? Oh , there she is .

  7. 在可预见的未来,我看不到这种变化,尽管作为通向敏捷和有效的主要架构方法,潜在的SOA应用还是很多的。

    I don 't see any such change in the foreseeable future though , there is still plenty of potential in applying SOA as the key architectural approach to agility and effectiveness .

  8. 前英国驻俄国大使AndrewWood先生告诉杂志,我看不到把哈里王子送去做驻美大使的任何益处。

    Sir Andrew Wood , the former British ambassador to Russia , told the magazine : ' I see no virtue for either Prince Harry or the government in sending him over .

  9. 但Portia不是一直都能看到它们不我看不到

    And Portia doesn 't get to see them all the time . no , I don 't.

  10. 我看不到兵营或者是其他建筑。

    I don 't see any barracks or any other structures .

  11. 我看不到里面,因为窗帘拉上了。

    I can 't see in because the curtains are closed .

  12. 我看不到孩子们的人影。

    I can see neither hide nor hair of the kids .

  13. 我看不到从上面数下来的第四行。

    I can 't see the fourth line from the top .

  14. 我看不到在哪,我在换地方。

    I can 't see where . I 'm changing position .

  15. 留在这里我看不到现在。

    If I stay here , everything will stay the same .

  16. 孩子们,你们能看到吗?我看不到。

    Can you see it boys and girls ? I can 't.

  17. 虽然我看不到鞋子总是很不爽。

    I always hate when I cant see the shoes though .

  18. 我看不到任何关联。

    And I don 't see a pattern of any kind .

  19. 我看不到你有什么能提高的地方。

    I don 't see that you stepped up at all .

  20. 我看不到屋子里的情况。

    I can 't see what 's happening in the house .

  21. 我看不到你!你看得到我吗?

    I can 't see you ! Can you see me ?

  22. 在黑暗的天空中我看不到星星。

    I can 't see the stars in the dark sky .

  23. 为什么我看不到一点点正面的变化呢?

    Why haven 't I see any change for the better ?

  24. 但是你可以看到以后的作品而我看不到。

    But you can see the next ones and I can 't.

  25. 我看不到这个国家任何的希望。

    I can 't see any future to this country .

  26. 我看不到利息马上削减的迹象。

    I see no immediate prospect of a cut in interest rates .

  27. 达沃斯论坛让我看不到丝毫改善的希望。

    Davos persuades me there is little hope of change .

  28. 除了让老板高兴,我看不到。

    Apart from pleasing the boss , I could see little advantage .

  29. 但他在哪儿?我看不到任何人!

    But where is he ? I can 't see anybody anywhere !

  30. 这个标记太小了,以至于我看不到。

    So small was the mark that I could not see it .