
  • 网络travel alone;Travel
  1. 没错,我确实是在说火车,当我一个人旅行的时候,我非常期待在上面完成工作。

    Im talking about trains , and when I travel alone , I look forward to getting work done there .

  2. 在你一个人旅行的时候它还是非常有用的。

    It 's really useful when you have to travel by yourself .

  3. 如果是一个人旅行,住单间每晚要多交11英镑。

    If you are travelling alone , the single room supplement is £ 11 a night .

  4. 罗布林卡,一个人旅行的乐趣和惊喜都在今天!

    Norbulingka , enjoy my day , enjoy the traveling joy !

  5. 您是随团旅游还是一个人旅行?

    Is this a group tour or are you traveling alone ?

  6. 它总让我想起一个人旅行时的种种感受。

    It always reminds me of the emotions of person when traveling .

  7. 一个人旅行是不是很艰苦?

    Isn 't it hard traveiing all by yourseif ?

  8. 一个人旅行不困难吗?

    Isn 't it hard traveling all by yourself ?

  9. 别担忧一个人旅行。

    You don 't have to be anxious about traveling on your own .

  10. 我更喜欢一个人旅行,不过还是谢谢你的忠告。

    I prefer to travel on my own , but thanks for thinking of me .

  11. 您是一个人旅行吗?

    Are you traveling by yourself ?

  12. “夏季我将带你一个人旅行。”他写道。

    " In the summer I will take a trip with just you alone ," he wrote .

  13. 如果你喜欢一个人长途旅行,选购单人帐篷,或1到2人帐篷,如单杆帐,或JWS帐;

    If you like one personal long trip and purchase a single tent , or the tent of1-2 people , like high bar debt , or JWS debt ;

  14. 一个人的旅行团现在仍然畅销。

    " One Man Caravan " still sells well today .

  15. 一个人出来旅行,是样样都得看一看的。

    When you travel , it is to see everything .

  16. 林飞:喜欢一个人的旅行基于人均消费的京秦高速公路对秦皇岛旅游收入评价

    Evaluate on Qin Huang Island Travel Income and Jing Qin Expressway Basis on Per-person Consume

  17. 你是一个人在旅行么,罗瑞先生?有没有人同路?

    ' Were you travelling alone , Mr. Lorry , or with any companion ? '

  18. 在这次旅行之前,我从没有特地一个人外出旅行过。

    Until this trip , I had never traveled to a strange place deliberately alone .

  19. 他不敢一个人去旅行。

    He dares not travel alone .

  20. 开始一场个人旅行

    Go on a Personal Journey

  21. 一个人独自旅行会很害怕,特别是如果你之前没有这样做过。

    It can be scary GetWord (" scary "); traveling alone especially when youve never done it before .

  22. 他称之为“一个人的旅行团”包含很多他看到的建筑的照片。

    He called it " One Man Caravan . " It included many photographs of buildings he had seen .

  23. 我想一个人出去旅行松弛松弛,最近不能与你见面了。

    I would like to travel out of a person relaxation slack , and recently has not met with you .

  24. 那是五年前,我去扬州旅行,那也是我第一次一个人的旅行。

    It was five years ago , during the trip to Yangzhou , and it was also the first time I traveled alone .

  25. 旅行的时刻,在当地过日常生活也过不同的人生。我享受一个人的旅行也融入这个世界。

    Living in different lives in different cities , I enjoy my trip alone and try my best to fit into this world .

  26. 但一场场个人旅行也会带领我们前往风光明媚之处,创造属于我们自己的值得回忆与分享的精彩时刻。

    But our own personal journeys will take us through other enchanting places , and provide us with our own moments worthy of recollection and retelling .

  27. 我一个人在英国旅行。

    I was traveling alone through the UK .

  28. 一个人吃饭,旅行,到处走走停停;

    All alone I keep in walking around for trying all the foods .

  29. 海伦对自己一个人出远门旅行感到担心。

    Helen is anxious about travelling on her own .

  30. 她正整装待发,准备作一次个人露面旅行,以扩大她取得的最大最佳的成果。

    Now she is stocking up for a personal-appearance tour to promote her biggest and best part yet .