
  • 【电影】Flying with you
  1. 飞机一起飞他就被强行逮捕了。

    He was bundled in and arrested as soon as he was airborne .

  2. 飞机一起飞,Liam就知道他有麻烦了。

    Mr Fort said : Liam told me the first time he knew he was in a bit of trouble is when the plane started to rise off the ground .

  3. 相同羽毛的鸟儿一起飞。物以类俱,人以群分。

    Birds of a feather flock together . & M.T.Cicer .

  4. 小鸟拍打着翅膀与鸟妈妈一起飞到了一棵高树上。

    He fluttered and flew off with Mom to the big tree .

  5. 嘿,小鸟你想带我一起飞回家吗?

    Hey , birdie , you wanna fly me home ?

  6. 每次飞机一起飞,他就开始睡觉。

    He begins to sleep as soon as the plane .

  7. 刚一起飞,我们飞机的引擎就出了毛病。

    Just after the plane took off , we had engine trouble .

  8. 哦,要是麦琪能跟我一起飞就好了。

    Oh , if only Maggie was here to fly with me .

  9. 乘客表示客机一起飞就失事。

    Passengers said the accident happened immediately after take-off .

  10. 哪天你得鸟和海鸥一起飞走了。

    One day this bird of yours might fly away with a seagull .

  11. 今天,我要和你一起飞。

    Today , I will with you fly .

  12. 我以为你们是一起飞过来的

    I assumed you two flew here together .

  13. 空中小姐:飞机一起飞我就会推车过来,小姐。

    Stewardess : I 'll be bringing the trolley round soon after take-off , ma'am .

  14. 他现在也有翅膀了,能和他的鸽子一起飞了。

    Now he 's got his own wings , he can fly with his pigeons .

  15. 我曾经六次叫你和我一起飞到荷兰去结婚。

    I have asked you six times to fly with me to Holland to get married

  16. 让我们大家一起飞遍全世界

    Let 's fly the world together

  17. 我要飞吻,父亲,我把灵魂也一起飞给他。

    ' I do so , father , and I send him my Soul with it ! '

  18. 小美人鱼飘到云端,跟着新的家人一起飞走了。

    The little mermaid floated up to a cloud , and she and her new family flew away .

  19. 等我做好后,我要飞到妈妈的单位,我和妈妈一起飞回家。

    When I finish , I will fly to my mom 's work and we will fly home .

  20. 他们将一起飞到国际空间站,并开始制作史上第一部在太空拍摄的大片。

    Together , they 'll head to the ISS and begin production on the first major movie ever shot in space .

  21. 当射手突然拿起行囊,双双立刻就能跳到车上,准备出发一起飞。

    When Sagittarius suddenly gets the travel bug , Gemini is very amiable about hopping in the car and going right along .

  22. 跟我一起飞吧,你,甜蜜的小拇指姑娘;当我在那个阴惨的地洞里冻得僵直的时候,你救了我的生命!

    Fly now with me , dear little Tiny ; you saved my life when I lay frozen in that dark passage .

  23. 不用跟妻子一起飞这种跨大陆航班,我也不用祈祷飞机赶紧坠机。

    Did you know that when you fly transcontinental without your wife , you don 't pray for the plane to crash ?

  24. 这样,他们八只海鸥排成双菱形队形,彼此的冀消几乎相重,在那天早晨一起飞向东方。

    And so they flew in from the west that morning , eight of them in a double-diamond formation , wingtips almost overlapping .

  25. 跟我一起飞吧,我的兄弟姐妹,我们要让他们知道,他们并不能得到所有,因为,这里&是我们的土地!

    Fly now with me my brethrens sisters and we are showing new people heaven , cannot take all they want , and that 's , This is our land !

  26. 这时他似乎觉得,自己所知道的东西还不太多。他抬头向广阔的天空望;她带着他一起飞到乌云上面去。

    It then seemed to him as if what he knew was not enough , and he looked upwards in the large huge empty space above him , and on she flew with him ;

  27. 大鼓在街上响起,仿佛有魔法让大鼓和鼓手一起飞了出去;由此而涌现出各种鼓的类型和多样的鼓舞形式。

    The drum was beating in the streets , as if it and a drummer had flown together by magic ; Therefore , many kinds of drums are made and dance forms are diversified .

  28. 爱你的心永不悔,想你的情永不退,想你想得无法睡,问你是否愿意和我一起飞?

    Love your heart will never regret , the situation you never want to retire , like you want to have to not sleep , I ask you if you are willing to a take-off ?

  29. 身体有病的耶托先前被判处七年徒刑和劳役,但是星期天被正式遣返出境,并且和韦布一起飞回曼谷,在那里接受医疗检查。

    The ailing Yettaw , who had been sentenced to seven years in prison and hard labor , was officially deported Sunday and flew with Webb to Bangkok , where is he is undergoing a medical check-up .

  30. 他要丢下你一个人起飞了。

    He 's about to take off without you .