
  • 网络first difference
  1. 一阵呼啸声在耳边响过,哈利知道游走球又一次差点击中他。

    A whistling in Harry 's ear told him the Bludger had just missed him again ;

  2. 替换一次差的雇佣,成本远远超过一次性就雇佣优秀人才所多出的边缘成本。

    The cost of replacing a bad hire far exceeds the marginal additional cost of hiring the best person in the first place .

  3. 一次差速贴壁纯化后,经免疫组化方法鉴定,96%以上的细胞呈肌细胞特异抗体阳性反应。

    96 % myoblast cells , after purified one time with the method of different speed stick wall , were positively reacted to muscular particular antibody with immunohistochemistry method .

  4. 当一次事故差一点就发生时,我们说这是一次侥幸脱险。

    When an accident nearly happens , we say it is a close shave or a narrow shave .

  5. 假如你在100万年的时间里每天都按市值计算自己的头寸,遇到一次标准差为25的事件的几率仍不到一百万分之一。

    If you marked your position to market every day for a million years , there would still be a less than one in a million chance of experiencing a 25-standard deviation event .

  6. 胡迪:这一次,我差一点就被你吓死。

    Woody : I was close to being scared that time .

  7. 又有一次,他差一点被一条黄貂鱼刺伤。

    And once he was nearly stung by a stingray .

  8. 再犯一次也无差。

    One more 's not gonna make a difference .

  9. 汽机一次调频转差与调频负荷关系的探讨

    Relationship Between Primary Frequency Modulation Speed Difference and Primary Frequency Modulation Load for Steam Turbines

  10. 《大衍历》日躔表是一份四次差分相等的数表,反映一行对太阳运动复杂性的深刻认识。

    The solar equation table of the Dayan Calendar is a mathematical table of equally quartic difference , and it reflects Yi Xing 's profound understanding about the solar motion .

  11. 磁带成本高,而且每录制一次音质就会变差一些。

    Tape is expensive and loses sound quality every time it is copied

  12. 本文从理论上推导了约束条件为参数平差的相关观测值的一次范数最小平差(L1平差)模型,并对不同的数学实例进行了试算。

    The mathematical model of the least absolute sum ( L1 Estimation ) of correlated observations is deduced with parameter adjustment as constraint .

  13. 本文基于独立观测值的一次范数最小平差原理,导出了相关观测值的一次范数条件平差(L1条件平差)模型,并以实例加以分析和讨论。

    Based on the principle of L1 norm least adjustment of independent observation , this paper derives the L1 norm condition adjustment model of correlative observation . A case history is analyzed and discussed .

  14. 提出了一种基于二次差频测距的新方法。

    A new ranging method based on quadric difference frequency is presented .

  15. 今天,我尝试了一次暗杀行动,差一点就成功了:一个邪恶的人类在走路时,我在他的脚旁来回穿梭。

    Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking .

  16. 一种改进的一次范数最小平差方法

    An Improved Method of the 1 - norm Minimizing Adjustment

  17. 据其中一位女孩的妈妈说,她的女儿曾经一次考试成绩很差,结果这位妈妈训斥了她并拿她的与另一位同学比较。

    According to one of the girls ` mothers , her daughter once received a poor mark in an exam , and the mother blamed her and compared her performance with another classmate .