
  1. 猪流行性乙型脑炎(epidemicencephalitisB)简称猪乙脑,是由乙型脑炎病毒引起的一种蚊媒性人兽共患传染病。

    Swine epidemic encephalitis B was a mosquito-borne viral human zoonotic diseases that caused by the Japanese encephalitis virus .

  2. 登革热是一种蚊传感染,近年来已成为一个主要的国际公共卫生关注问题。

    Dengue is a mosquito-borne infection that in recent decades has become a major international public health concern .

  3. 登革热是一种蚊媒病毒感染,它会导致严重的流感样症状,还会发展为可能致死的出血热。

    Dengue , a mosquito-borne viral infection , causes severe flu-like symptoms , but can develop into potentially deadly haemorrhagic fever .

  4. 本实用新型是一种蝇蚊刷;它由刷丝、刷丝头、杆、手柄组成。

    The utility model relates to a fly and mosquito brush , composed of brush filaments , a brush filament head , a rod and a handle .

  5. 在马里,我们得到了一些下降百分之八十的女性,百分之九十的男性,但面积小游泳池全部在那里,所以不可能阻止未经处理的池塘,从一飞蚊经过处理的池塘。

    But the area is full of little ponds in there , so it is impossible to stop mosquitoes from flying from an untreated pond to a treated pond .

  6. 一种蚊甩子,其特征在于由甩柄和甩头组成,甩头上固装有用于捕杀蚊子的马尾或尼龙长丝。

    A kind of flyflap , it 's consisted of handle and flyflap head and has horsetail or nylon filament for catching and killing mosquito fixed on the flyflap head .

  7. 疟疾是世界范围内危害最严重的一种蚊媒寄生虫病,尤其是对非洲、南美以及东南亚地区产生极大危害。

    Malaria is the most significant vector-borne disease in the worldwide . The vast majority of deaths occurred not only in Africa , but also in South America and South-East Asia .

  8. 至少有一只电蚊拍。

    You own at least one mosquito tennis raquet .

  9. 招飞的时候会不会因为有一点飞蚊症就不能过关啊?

    Action when flying can because there is disease of a bit flying midge cannot pass a barrier ?

  10. 目的:建立一种检测蚊体内马来丝虫幼虫的灵敏、快速、特异的方法。

    AIM : To develop sensitive , specific , simple assays for the detection of Brugia malayi larva in mosquito vectors .

  11. 美军医疗队在一个分离全球蚊媒病毒的综合性研究中,发现了这种病毒。它的名字就来源于特立尼达拉岛的发源地。

    Named after the region in Trinidad it originated , Guaico Culex was discovered during a comprehensive study by the US Army Medical Team to isolate mosquito-borne viruses around the globe .