
  • 网络Couplet
  1. 对对联的基本理解是比较中国对联与韩国柱联的前提。

    The understanding of antithetical couplet is the premise of comparing Chinese couplet with Korean column coupling .

  2. 本文从发展历史、主要特点、开发价值、开发策略、教学策略、五个方面对对联资源的开发进行了论述。

    This paper provides an analysis of the antithetical couplet exploration , which involves its history , its main characteristics , its value , and the strategies of exploiting and teaching .

  3. 由于数字二,通常暗示萌发与和谐,在婚礼庆典中,装饰都不约而同地做成成对:一对红色的蜡烛,一对枕头,和一对对联挂在大厅的两侧。

    As the number two , usually suggests germination and harmony , at wedding celebrations , decorations are invariably setout in pairs : a pair of red candles , a pair of pillows , and couplets hung on two sides of the hall .