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  1. 因为如果你对像棋有所了解的话。

    Because if you knew anything about chess .

  2. 这让对自己棋术没自信的朋友也能享受下棋的乐趣。

    This makes the game interesting for the player regardless of his skills in checkers .

  3. 新加坡围棋协会为对不同棋力的棋手提供围棋课程。

    The Singapore Weiqi Association provides different courses for various levels of Weiqi students in Singapore .

  4. 文章引用大量文献,对弹棋的产生至消亡,以及弹棋的形态和赛事规则作了考证。

    This paper , based on a large amount of literature , investigates the rise and fall of the tan chess , as well as its shape and game rules .

  5. 本文叙述了在IBM-PC/XT个人计算机上,使用LISP语言研制的人机对奕一字棋程序中,如何成功地运用了启发式搜索法来设计该智能程序。

    This paper describes how to design a man-machine intelligent game playing program ( tic-tac-toc ) in LISP and to use successfully the method of heuristic search . This intelligent program has been developed on the IBM-PC / XT computer .

  6. 对手选择了一个极其尖锐的变化,对双方赢棋都比和棋容易。

    The opponents played an extremely sharp line that is much easier to win than to draw with either color .

  7. “说得完全对!”安棋尔把信扔下说。

    It is quite true ! 'said Angel , throwing down the letter .

  8. 最后,我发现他其实并不能估计到我的下一步棋,只是他可以迫使我走一步对他有利的棋。

    Eventually I discovered that he did not really predict my next move but rather forced me into making one that was beneficial to him .