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  1. 这条河看起来像条缠绕的、蜿蜒于青山间的青丝罗带。

    The river looks like a green satin winding amidst the green hills .

  2. 罗带的大白牙实验室制作名为“皇冠”的珐琅牙。

    Great White Dental Lab in Lodi fashions enamel teeth called " crowns " .

  3. 年轻的斯克罗吉带着另一个雇员匆匆地进来了。

    The young Scrooge hurried in , with another clerk .

  4. 贵州西南部威-紫-罗断裂带构造特征及演化

    Structural features and tectonic evolution of the WEI-ZI-LUO fault zone in southwestern Guizhou Province

  5. 每天,罗吉带着他的羊群到那条从派立斯特里纳到博尔戈去的路上去吃草。

    Every day Luigi led his flock to graze on the road that leads from Palestrina to borgo ;

  6. 威-紫-罗断裂带作为扬子板块南缘陆内较大的断裂,控制着周围地区的盆地沉积及构造样式。

    The results show that the Wei-Zi-Luo fault zone consists of several segments with kinematics dominated by reverse and sinistral strike-slip motion .

  7. 他对摩西说:“我是你岳父叶忒罗,带着你的妻子和两个儿子来到你这里。”

    Jethro had sent word to him ," I , your father-in-law Jethro , am coming to you with your wife and her two sons . "

  8. 罗瑞先生带着日益渺茫的希望和越来越沉重的心情度过了这段好不令人焦灼的日子。

    With a hope ever darkening , and with a heart always growing heavier and heavier , Mr. Lorry passed through this anxious time .

  9. 四川盆地中西部中侏罗统沉积相带展布及天然气勘探选区

    Distribution of the Middle Jurassic Sedimentary Facies and Gas Exploration Targets in Central and West Sichuan

  10. 大家决定艾米必须去马奇姑妈家,于是罗瑞把她带到那儿。

    It was decided that Amy must go to Aunt March 's house , so Laurie took her there .