
  • 网络An Accident
  1. 起先我还以为是一场意外,但是据我了解,警方认为那不太可能。

    At first I thought it was an accident , but as far as I can make out , the police consider that 's unlikely .

  2. 不是你的错,T.S.不是你的错那不是不是任何人的错那是一场意外就像你爸说的发生了的就发生了

    Wasn 't your fault , T.S. It wasn 't your fault . It wasn 't. It wasn 't anyone 's fault . It was an accident . As your father said , what happened ... just happened ...

  3. 对于上述银行而言,获得此项委托是一场意外之喜,因为预计此笔ipo咨询费用将高达数亿美元。

    The mandates are a coup for the banks because the fees for advising on the IPO are expected to run into hundreds of millions of dollars .

  4. 生命是一场意外,一种偶然凑巧的产物。

    Life is an accident , the result of random chance .

  5. 警方称此次事件是一场意外。

    Police say the fall appears to have been an accident .

  6. 他是溺水而死的,这只是一场意外。

    He was drowned and the drowning was an accident .

  7. 对不起,那纯粹是一场意外。

    B / I 'm sorry , it was a pure accident .

  8. 那些看上去爱过的片段不过是流年里的一场意外。

    Those look loved fragment is but an unexpected life .

  9. 那你怎么会那么意外地发生一场意外?

    Well , how can you accidentally have an accident ?

  10. 他声称这是在争执中发生的一场意外。

    He claimed it was an accident that occurred during an argument .

  11. 现在看起来是一场意外。

    Right now , it looks like an accident .

  12. 华北遭受一场意外大雨的袭击,并引起严重的水灾。

    North China was hit by unexpected heavy rain which caused severe flooding .

  13. 也是一场意外是吗

    Was just another accident , is that right ?

  14. 一场意外事故使进出城市的铁路线中断。

    An accident has disrupted railway service into and out of the city .

  15. 这不可能只是一场意外

    This just couldn 't have been an accident .

  16. 但我发誓这是一场意外

    but it was an accident , I swear .

  17. 一场意外的大雨引起严重的水灾。

    An unexpected heavy rain caused severe flooding .

  18. 一场意外事故使他不能踢球。

    An accident disabled him from playing football .

  19. 她也认为这只是一场意外事故。

    She realizes it was an accident .

  20. 几天前,我外出,几乎发生了一场意外事故。

    A few days ago , I went out and I almost had an accident .

  21. 是一场意外给了巴里这种能力。

    An accident gave Barry his powers .

  22. 同希瓦卜林的一场意外争吵,搅乱了彼得安宁的生活。

    The quiet routine of Peter 's life was interrupted by an unexpected quarrel with Shvabrin .

  23. 这可能是一场意外么?

    Could it haven an accident ?

  24. 另一场意外而又简单的爱�

    One more casualty of easy love

  25. 这纯粹是一场意外。

    It was a pure accident .

  26. 雪莉:那只是一场意外,你太多虑了。

    Shirley : That was just an accident ; you are worried too much about it .

  27. 但这并不是一场意外

    But this was no accident .

  28. 这只是一场意外而已。

    That it was an accident .

  29. 但那只是一场意外啊。

    But it was an accident .

  30. 我的航班因为一场意外的大雨被取消了。所以我的生意泡汤了!

    My flight was cancelled by an unexpectedly heavy rain , so my business went down the toilet !