
  1. 气候特点:冬夏长,春秋短,四季分明;

    Climate characteristics : a long summer and winter , spring and autumn short , the four seasons ;

  2. 对大棚番茄越夏长季节栽培的水肥量化管理指标进行了研究。

    The experiment of different water and top fertilizer combination for tomato cultivated in greenhouse were studied in long season cultivation over summer .

  3. 大棚番茄越夏长季节高产栽培基质的筛选与水肥量化的研究在生产中应根据不同的栽培季节及不同的栽培目的具体引用。

    Substrate Composition and Water-fertilizer Quantitative Analysis of Tomato Trans-Summer High Yield Cultivation in Plastic Greenhouse ; We should cite these varieties concretely according to different planting season and purpose .

  4. 当然并不是我个人以为夏绿蒂长得难看,她究竟是我们要好的朋友。

    Not that I think Charlotte so very plain & but then she is our particular friend .

  5. 然而经过一段时间后,夏科长发现四楼的一个消防阀门还没有水。

    However , over time , Xiake Zhang found the fourth floor of a fire valve has no water .

  6. 春、夏、长夏、秋、冬五季是根据我国大部分地区常年气候变化的特点而划分的。

    Five seasons , i.e. spring , summer , long summer , autumn and winter , are divided according to the weather conditions in most areas of China .

  7. 北美洲的一种兰花,在晚夏每茎长出一片褶叠的常绿叶,在春季发出一枝有褐色花的花葶。

    North American orchid bearing a single leaf and yellowish-brown flowers .

  8. 水库夏汛时间长,洪量大,是水库确保防洪安全和实现兴利效益的关键时期。

    The summer flood reason is the key period for reservoir controlling flood and achieving benefit because this stage is longer and the volume of flood is larger .

  9. 海南春季繁殖种子的休眠期和完全休眠期较湖南夏繁种子分别长15天和28天。打破休眠期后,PSTV浓度明显增加。

    The dormant period of the former was longer than of the latter . After broking dormancy , the concentration of PSTV was obviously increased .

  10. 洛阳旱地夏玉米生产潜力长周期定量模拟与评价

    Long-period quantitative simulation and evaluation of summer maize potential productivity in Luoyang dryland

  11. 长期以来,黄土高原地区土壤肥力不足,传统的夏闲期时间长、面积广。

    Over the years , Loess Plateau ' soil fertility was inadequate , also had a long time and a wide area traditional summer fallow period .

  12. 北京鸭前期产蛋量与全程产蛋量的相关分析海南春季繁殖种子的休眠期和完全休眠期较湖南夏繁种子分别长15天和28天。

    Correlation analysis between total egg number and former period egg number in peking duck The dormant period of the former was longer than of the latter .