
  1. 我所看见的一切——大山、山谷、湖泊和夏日的阳光全都绚丽多彩。

    I was seeing it all in glorious technicolour : mountains , valleys , lakes , summer sunshine .

  2. 她的笑容使夏日的阳光也变得暗淡。

    Her smile dimmed the sunlight on the summer 's day .

  3. 泪在夏日的阳光下放出彩虹。

    The tear releases the rainbow in the summer day sunlight .

  4. 就像夏日的阳光,包含着你对我的柔情蜜意。

    Like the summer sunshine , Your sweetness over me .

  5. 和暖的雨水和夏日的阳光促进植物生长。

    Warm rains and summer suns develop the plants .

  6. 那花又会在夏日的阳光下重生。

    The flowers will reborn under the summer sunshine .

  7. 蝴蝶在夏日的阳光下、在花丛中飞舞,

    and the butterflies were flying from flower to flower in the summer sunshine ,

  8. 你曾是我夏日的阳光,春天盛开的花朵。

    You were my sunshine in the summer , And my flowers in the Spring .

  9. 轻松愉快地的享受这夏日的阳光吧。

    Kick back and enjoy the summer .

  10. 我们热情的期待大家光临我们的展位,和我们一起享受夏日的阳光。

    We are looking forward to have you all visit our tent and enjoy the early summer together .

  11. 有房地产商称,这几乎让他们在将至的寒冬中看到夏日的阳光。

    Some real estate developers even noted that they saw the summer sun light in the coming cold winter .

  12. 在夏日的阳光下,这些植物透露出那种顽强的姿态,不正是向日葵的精神吗!

    In the summer sun , these plants revealed the kind of tenacious attitude , is it not the spirit of sunflowers you !

  13. 在一片墨绿色的针叶林背后,一排排整齐的茶树丛闪闪发亮,沐浴在夏日的阳光下,蜜蜂嗡嗡作响,懒洋洋地在枝头盘绕。

    Behind a copse of dark green conifers , bees buzz lazily over neat rows of shiny tea bushes soaking up the summer sun .

  14. 你曾是我夏日的阳光,春日盛开的花朵,当其它人漠然处之时,你用爱浇灌我的心灵。

    You were my sunshine in the summer , and my flowers in the spring , the one to fill my heart with love , when no one else could do a thing .

  15. 在中国其他地区正笼罩在寒冬中时,海南岛的最南端仍旧沐浴在夏日的阳光中,这也是人们从北方涌向三亚等城市的原因。

    While the rest of China is shrouded in winter cold , the southern tip of Hainan Island is bathed in summer heat . That 's why people from the bleak north flock to cities like Sanya .

  16. 我简直不敢相信,爱你是如此地美好。我不敢相信你也有如此感觉。我现在才明白吻原是那么甜蜜,就像夏日的阳光,包含着你对我的柔情蜜意。

    I just can 't believethe loveliness of loving you . I just can 't believethe one to love this feeling , too . I now know how sweet a kiss could be.Like the summer sunshine , Your sweetness over me .

  17. 夏日里的阳光灼灼。

    The radiance of a summer day .

  18. 所有的花开花落,在我心中,只是一场寂寞的梦,在夏日金黄的阳光中苏醒。

    All the flowers Whispering in my mind , only a lonely dream , golden sun in the summer wake .

  19. 日光浴浴床能发射出紫外线辐射的水平要比大多数国家夏日中午的阳光强许多倍。

    Some sunbeds have the capacity to emit levels of ultraviolet ( UV ) radiation many times stronger than the mid-day summer sun in most countries .

  20. 夏日清晨温暖的阳光洒在西部科罗拉多的山坡上。

    The warm glow of the summer morning settles on the slopes of western Colorado .

  21. 一个夏日的午后,阳光晒得大地发焦,每一个人都暴躁起来。

    One summer afternoon , the sunshine made the field burning and caused workers to easily lose their temper .