
  • 网络Summer and Winter;Shaquille
  1. 采用本研究相配套的酿造工艺,NW196品种夏冬两茬果都可酿制上等干型葡萄酒。

    Using the processing techniques in the experiment , high quality dry grape wine could be made with NW196 grape of two crops .

  2. 更有效的能源储存方式可以使用户弥补夏冬季节能源供需之间的缺口。

    More efficient forms of energy storage will enable the user to bridge the gap between summer supply and winter demand .

  3. 他对它们夏冬的观察持续了好多年,观察它们白昼和夜晚的每一个时辰。

    He had made summer and winter observations on it for many years , and at every hour of the day and night .

  4. 土壤微生物数量随季节不同而有明显变化,细菌、放线菌秋季高,夏冬两季低;

    The soil microorganism represents the significant seasonal dynamics , Bacteria and Actinomyces are remarkably high in autumn and lower in summer and winter .

  5. 至于植生方法除在不同地区推广栽培夏冬作豆科绿肥外,同时推广适生草类选留与利用,以减少杀草剂的使用,增加草生栽培的效果。

    Besides , the extension of leguminous green manure in summer and winter , the selection and utilization of suitable weeds and minimization of the application of herbicides were conducted .

  6. 夏季南海水团垂直分布的聚类分析研究1998年夏冬季节的南海水团及其分布

    CLUSTERING ANALYSIS OF THE VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF WATER MASSES IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA Characteristics and distribution of water masses in the South China Sea during the summer and the winter of 1998

  7. 本文利用夏冬两季黄东海水文与微结构观测资料,分析了该海域湍流混合与双扩散现象的空间分布特征与季节变化。

    Hydrological and microstructure data in Yellow Sea ( YS ) and East China Sea ( ECS ) are used to analyze spatial distribution and seasonal variation of local turbulent mixing and double diffusion phenomenon .

  8. 秋夏冬季节的东向极光电集流在720~1440分(世界时12~24时)的分布规律的拟合曲线类似口朝上的抛物线形;

    The simulation curve of the distribution law of east component in the seasons of summer autumn and winter is like a up parabola curve between 720 and 1440 min ( UT 12-24 hour ) .

  9. 在季节可预报性上,对于中国区域降水的预报,模式在冬春两季的预报技巧明显高于夏秋,而动力统计预报和统计预报则在夏冬更有预报技巧。

    On Seasonal predictability , for the precipitation prediction in china region , the forecast ability , in winter and spring was significantly higher than in summer and autumn , but it is better in summer and winter for the dynamical-statistical forecasting and statistical forecasting .