
  • 网络SUMMER RAIN;El Camino de Los Ingleses
  1. 我国东部近百年夏季雨型的大气环流和海温场特征

    Features of atmospheric circulation and SST fields for East China summer rain patterns

  2. 中国东部季风区夏季雨型的划分及其环流成因分析

    Study of summer rain pattern in monsoon region of East China and its circulation cause

  3. 中国西部夏季雨型的划分及年代际变化研究

    Summer Precipitation Patterns in West China and Its Inter-decadal Changes

  4. 在这项最新研究中,一个令人非常意外的发现是,不仅夏季有雨,冬季也下雨,而且冬季的极地夜晚意味着气温通常远低于零度。

    A big surprise in this latest study is that rain can fall not only in summer but also in winter , when the polar night would normally mean temperatures are well below zero .

  5. 几种亚洲季风指数与中国夏季主要雨型的关联

    Correlation between several indices of Asia monsoon and China summer main precipitation patterns

  6. 在印度旁遮普邦,农民植物水稻幼苗,赶在预计在六月底的夏季气旋雨之前。

    In the Indian state of Punjab , farmers plant rice seedlings ahead of the summer monsoon rains , which are expected at the end of June .

  7. 即使那时仍为夏季,但雨总是下个不停。

    Even though is was still summer , it rained continually .

  8. 河南省2002年夏季高温少雨成因

    Climatic Causes of High Temperature and Less Rainfall over Henan in 2002 Summer

  9. 如夏季乌云携雨从天降。

    As showers from the clouds of summer .

  10. 我国东部夏季三类雨型的诊断和预测方法研究

    A study of the diagnostic and prognostic method for distributive patterns of summer rainfall in eastern China

  11. 冬季寒冷干燥,夏季炎热少雨。

    In the region the winter is frigid and dry , and the summer is hot and little rain .

  12. 因此,夏季干旱少雨和气温偏高是棉铃虫大发生的重要条件。

    So the drought and higher air temperature in summer was the important conditions of the Heliothis armigera great occurrence .

  13. 另外,夏季高温少雨、滥用农药杀伤天敌也是造成某些地区、有些作物斜纹夜蛾猖獗的原因之一。

    Other reasons for the pest outbreak may include high temperature and less rainfall in summer , and misuse of pesticides that might kill many natural enemies of this pest .

  14. 我想知道,那里的夏季是否也有雨。

    I want to know , if the place you will go has a rainy summer .

  15. 下星期二以后再过一个月今年夏季非常干旱,雨只下过一二次。

    A month next Tuesday It has been a very dry summer , it has only rained once or twice .

  16. 夏季对流云增雨作业天气条件与降水资源特征分析结果表明:夏旱期间内地两个旱区人工增水条件优于沿海两个旱区。

    The analysis on weather conditions advantageous to the artificial precipitation stimulation work and potential region during Jiangxi drought The results show that the conditions of artificial precipitation stimulation at two dry inland areas are better than those at two dry coastal areas .

  17. 对中国东部127站47年(1951-1997)夏季(6-8月)的降水距平百分率数据进行客观分类,分析了我国东部夏季主要雨型的空间和时间特征。

    The rainfall patterns in eastern China ( 127 stations ) in summer are investigated . The Ward 's method and K-means method are used to cluster the rainfall data during the period of 47 years ( 1951-1997 ) .