
hónɡ zhuānɡ
  • Red dress;gay feminine attire;young woman
红装 [hóng zhuāng]
  • (1) [gay feminine attire]∶指妇女的艳丽装束

  • 红装而蹇者。--明. 袁宏道《满井游记》

  • (2) [young woman]∶青年妇女

红装[hóng zhuāng]
  1. 大多数人穿上红装迎接身着白色的孩子们。

    Most of those who put on the red suit to greet the children are white .

  2. 身着一袭红装的赖斯女人味十足。

    Secretary of State , Condoleezza Rice , is obviously considered a real lady in red .

  3. 十七年时期中国女性不爱红装爱武装的审美时尚是一个非常独特的历史现象。

    The aesthetic fashion that the Chinese women " Not love Attire but love Arms " is a very unique historical phenomenon .

  4. 警界红装、传奇人生,这一切构成了一个极富吸引力的磁场,吸引着我们走进她的世界。

    Her police uniform and legendary life is just like a powerful magnetic field , attracting us to enter her world of life .

  5. 文章介绍了艉轴填料函密封的基本原理,分析了漏水的原因,提出了艉轴铜套分段红装修理的具体操作方法。

    This paper presents the principle of stern stuffing seal , analyses the reason of water-leaking and provides in detail the technique of fitting operation on divided bronze liner of stern shaft .