
  1. 《红胶囊》戏仿了1959年大受欢迎的电视连续剧《夸特马斯试验》。

    ' The Scarlet Capsule ' was a parody of the popular 1959 TV series ' The Quatermass Experiment '

  2. 目的:建立普藏红胶囊中阿魏酸含量的RPHPLC测定法。

    OBJECTIVE : To develop a method to determine Ferulic acid in Puzanghong capsules by RP HPLC .

  3. 4用抖笼法研究复方莪红胶囊对小白鼠的镇静作用。

    Study the use of tranquilizing of CEHC on mice through shaking cage .

  4. 芪红胶囊通过免疫调节治疗病毒性心肌炎小鼠

    The Immuno-Modulating Effect of Qi-Hong Capsule in the Treatment of Mouse Model of Viral Myocarditis Infected with Coxsackievirus B_3

  5. 5用腹腔注射硫代氨基脲观察小鼠的惊厥潜伏期和死亡潜伏期来研究复方莪红胶囊对小白鼠的抗惊厥作用。

    Observe the incubation of relieving convulsions and death through peritoneal injection to study the use of relieving convulsion of CEHC on mice .

  6. 特别是番茄红素胶囊产品&其独特的保健功能正逐步被越来越多的中国消费者认可和接受。

    Lycopene capsule is gradually recognised and accepted by more and more Chinese consumers for its special healthy functions .

  7. 结论复方冰红软胶囊有明显的抗炎效应,其抗炎作用是通过抑制炎症介质产生而实现的,并且该药对急性软组织损伤有较好的治疗作用。

    Conclusion : BHSC is a good drug at anti-inflammation which is realized by inhibiting the inflammatory medium and treating acute soft tissue injury .

  8. 红珍珠降糖胶囊中微量元素营养研究

    Study on Trace Elements in Red Pearl Capsule for Reducing Blood Glucose

  9. 红珍珠降糖胶囊功效成分多糖的分析

    Analysis of Major Efficacy Composition-polysaccharide in Red Pearl Capsule of Reduce Blood Glucose

  10. 番茄红素微胶囊的制备

    The Preparation of Lycopene Microcapsule

  11. 此方法的使用为胶囊中主要功效成分的分析测试,及其质量标准的建立,以及红珍珠降糖胶囊的营养学、功效学研究,具有重要意义。

    The method is very important in the analysis efficacy composition , the standard establishment of product quality , nutrition and efficacy research .

  12. 本研究采用喷雾干燥法对番茄红素进行微胶囊包埋,以期改善番茄红素的不稳定性和水不分散性。

    In this paper studies were undertaken to get microencapsulated lycopene with storage stability and water dispersibility by means of spray drying technique .

  13. 丹红脂肝清胶囊胶囊高、中、低剂量组病理形态学改变较模型组均有明显改善。结论:丹红脂肝清胶囊对复合因素引起的脂肪肝有很好的治疗作用。

    CONCLUSION : Danhong Zhiganching capsules show great effects on the experimental fatty liver induced by a low dose of CCl_4 and high fat diet .

  14. 结果表明,番茄红素经微胶囊化后贮藏稳定性大为改善,为番茄制品的护色与安全贮藏提供了参考和依据。

    The results showed that microencapsulated Lycopene had longer shell-life than unmicroencapsulted lycopene , providing reference and evidence for protecting tincture and safety store of lycopene product .

  15. 对番茄红素的提取工艺和以明胶与蔗糖作为壁材喷雾干燥制备番茄红素微胶囊的工艺进行了探讨。

    Technique of micro encapsulation in a wall system consisting of compounds such as gelatin and sucrose by spray drying , and mass detection method of lycopene micro encapsulation were outlined .