
  1. 本文对回春生生产菌种双歧杆菌DM8504株的研究作了总结报道。

    The DM 8504 strain , production seeds of the Bifidobiogen , is a varia-nt of Bifidobacterium adolescentis .

  2. 结果表明,从返青至封行前的春生5叶期期间,土壤含水量与植株叶片含水量之间呈负相关关系,其中20~40cm深度土壤含水量与叶片含水量之间达到极显著水平;

    It indicated that the soil water content ( SWC ) had negative relation to the leaf water content ( LWC ) from returning green stage to enveloping the row stage , and it reached significant difference level between SWC from 20 to 40 cm and LWC .

  3. 回春生治疗肝硬化双盲法临床疗效观察

    Clinical Observation of the Therapeutic Effect of Bifidobiogen on Liver Cirrhosis with Double Blind Test

  4. 播量是影响春生分蘖的首要因素,播期次之;

    Sowing norm had the first effect on spring tillers , next came sowing time ;

  5. 智利外海茎柔鱼存在多个产卵群体,但是产卵时间较为集中,主要存在春生和秋生两个产卵群体。

    There are several spawning groups off the coast of Chile , however , the spawning time is concentrated . There are two spawning groups of spring and autumn . 4 .