
  • 网络What's wrong with me;What’s become of me
  1. 天啊,我是怎么了?

    Monica : God , what is wrong with me .

  2. 安奎拉,我是怎么了?

    Anguilla , What is the matter with me ?

  3. “我是怎么了?”那只熊寻思道。

    What 's wrong with me ? @ thought the bear to himself .

  4. 不知道我是怎么了

    I-I don 't know what got into me .

  5. 我是怎么了?妈妈?上帝没说,孩子。

    What 's wrong with me ? mama ? God hasn 't said yet , baby .

  6. 我今天是怎么了?

    What is wrong with me today ?

  7. 我今天是怎么了

    What 's wrong with me today ?

  8. 我到底是怎么了?

    What was wrong with me ?

  9. 真搞不懂我这是怎么了……遇到爱情,每个人都经历过这样的纠结。

    I don 't know my own feelings ... Everyone has had these worries about love at least once .

  10. 薇薇姬薇我是马特你怎么了

    Vick.Vickie Vick , it 's Matt . What 's wrong ?

  11. 我明白是怎么回事了。-

    I think I know what 's going on here . -

  12. 我的小宝是怎么了?

    English : My Xiaobao is how it ?

  13. 我不清楚是怎么了,也许是想家。

    I don 't know if what I feel is a bit of nostalgia .

  14. 我手机这是怎么了

    What - what happened to my phone ?

  15. 我不知道是怎么了我当时也在那,在测量枪响

    I don 't know what went wrong . I was there too.Measuring gun shots .

  16. 如果我是总统,怎么了?

    If I were president , what ?

  17. 她说噢我明白是怎么回事了我明白她领会到了对

    She said , oh , I see how this tongue goes . I see how she had figured out.Right .

  18. 等一下,等一下,我知道是怎么回事了,你想和他一起共度新年,是不是?

    Chandler : Wait a minute , wait a minute , I see where this is going , you 're gonna ask him to New Year 's , aren 't you .

  19. 我不知道我是怎么了。

    I can 't think what came over me .

  20. 我是结巴了还是怎么了吗,dinozzo?

    Do I s tttttt erer or something , dinozzo ?

  21. 我说你这是怎么了Portia在节目开始之前我妈妈告诉我我的Hellen阿姨

    I was like , Portia ? And then right before the show started , My mama tells my Aunt Helen

  22. 我想知道你是怎么了现这个开关的,而你又是如何得知就是它导致了WEFL的所有麻烦。

    I 'd like to know how you know discovered the switch and how you knew that it was the reason for all of the trouble at WEFL .

  23. 我不知道我是怎么了蒂诺

    I don 't know what 's wrong with me , Tino

  24. 噢,我明白这是怎么回事了。

    Oh . I see what 's going on here .

  25. 听着我不知道到底是怎么了

    Listen . I don 't know what it is .

  26. 我不禁思考这是怎么了?

    I couldn 't help but wonder , what is this about ?

  27. 呃,是的,我是当地的,怎么了?

    Uh , yeah , I 'm in the local . Why ?

  28. 我的天你是怎么了

    Oh my What 's going on with you ?

  29. 我也想不通我是怎么了。

    I guess that 's how I am .

  30. 愿不愿意告诉我你和爸爸是怎么了

    You want to tell me what 's going on with you and dad ?