
xīn ài
  • love;treasure
心爱 [xīn ài]
  • (1) [love]∶怀有情人般的感情、忠诚和柔情

  • (2) [treasure]∶视为宝贝或作宝贝看待

心爱[xīn ài]
  1. bin“目录存放着开发者心爱的各种工具(所以应该将其路径放进“PATH”环境变量),”samples“目录下有各种示例应用,还有其他目录就不一一说明了。

    The " bin " directory will be where the tools developers love are stored ( and should thus be on the PATH )," samples " will be where various example apps live , and so on .

  2. 现在也可以用蜂窝网络进行FaceTime通话,所以无论你身处何方,你都可以见到心爱的人。

    And now you can make a FaceTime call over the cellular network . So no matter where you are , you are always able to see the ones you love .

  3. 失去心爱的人是无法补偿的。

    Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one .

  4. 她的女儿是她心爱的宝贝。

    Her daughter is very dear to her .

  5. 那是她心爱的人送的礼物。

    It was a gift from her beloved .

  6. 说来也怪,他最后想到的才是他心爱的塔尼娅。

    Strangely enough , the last thing he thought of was his beloved Tanya

  7. 他将心爱之人拥入怀中。

    He takes his beloved into his arms .

  8. 两个刀架上存放着她最心爱的刀具。

    Two knife racks hold her favourite knives .

  9. 他欣然接受休战,但是指出,那些无法和心爱的人一起过圣诞的家庭并不会由此感到慰藉。

    He welcomed the truce , but pointed out it was of little comfort to families spending Christmas without a loved one

  10. 她无法从失去心爱宠物的痛苦中恢复过来。

    She couldn 't get over the pain of losing her beloved pet .

  11. 他们把心爱的旧车换成了昂贵的新跑车。

    They replaced their beloved old car with expensive new sports cars .

  12. 给你心爱的人一些惊喜!

    Give your beloved one some surprises !

  13. 这让照片中的那些人看起来像是在和心爱的人牵手。

    It makes those people in the pictures seem to be holding hands with a loved one .

  14. 星期二,他为心爱的人谱写了一首歌。

    On Tuesday the ostrich composed a song for his beloved .

  15. 星期四,他写了一首诗给心爱的人。

    On Thursday the ostrich wrote a poem to his beloved .

  16. 她拒绝和她心爱的猫分开

    She refused to be parted from her beloved cat .

  17. 她是我唯一心爱的人。

    She is my one and only .

  18. 它抖动羽毛,感觉自己既英俊又优雅,希望能引起心爱的人注意。

    He fluffed his feathers , feeling fine and handsome . He hoped that his beloved might notice .

  19. 是我凭空想象出来的还是刚才我真的看到约翰骑走了我最心爱的摩托车?

    Was it a figment of my imagination or did I just see John driving away on my beloved1 motorbike ?

  20. 星期三,鸵鸟在餐厅里看着心爱的人用餐,竟忘了为自己点菜。

    On Wednesday the ostrich watched his beloved dining in a restaurant . He forgot to order supper for himself .

  21. 星期一,鸵鸟为他心爱的人采摘了紫罗兰作为礼物,可是他过于羞怯,没敢送给她。

    On Monday the ostrich gathered violets , as a gift to his beloved . He was too shy to give them to her .

  22. 坎迪斯:我心爱的小猫Spicy去年十二月去了另一边。

    Candace : My beloved kitty " Spicy " passed to the Other Side last December .

  23. 你好,我心爱的计算机,好久不见了!

    Hello , my beloved computer , long time no see !

  24. 我野生了只心爱的乌龟,我十分爱它。

    I have a turtle , I love it very much .

  25. 真心爱学生,才是爱学校。

    Your love for the students signifies loyalty to the school .

  26. 爱人,心爱的人,无性别之分。

    Be loved ( n. ) dearly loved person , darling .

  27. 不论你在何处,我真心爱你永无改变。

    Whereso'er you are , my heart shall truly love you .

  28. 就算我会在安详中逝去,你都会是我最心爱的人

    But I 'll rest in peace , my sweetheart would you

  29. 这小男孩的心爱之物是一只小木狗。

    The child 's favourite possession was a little wooden dog .

  30. 你一定要害死我心爱的女子吗?

    Must you demand the death of the woman I love ?