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  1. 目的探讨四腔心观(FCV)加三血管-气管观(3VT)在胎儿中晚期心脏病产前超声筛选中的临床意义。

    Objective To investigate the clinical significance of the four-chamber view with three vessels and trachea view ( FCV + 3VT ) screening for fetal cardiac malformation in the second and third trimester pregnancy .

  2. 维新派心力观研究

    A Study on the Reformation School 's Philosophy of Mind Power

  3. 中西心物观简论

    Brief view about heart-thing relationship between China and West

  4. 最后,解析心物观与致良知学。

    At last , the analysis of view of mind and matter and the extension of innate knowledge .

  5. 本文通过对庄子心物观分析,旨在使人们进一步认识庄子自由精神的内涵和实质,进而探求庄子自由观的思想价值和现代启示。

    This article analyzes from the views on mind and matter to the intention and substance of his spirit of freedom , then to research for the thought value and Revelation of modem times of Chuang tzu .

  6. 心的实在观与心理学研究

    Conception of Reality of Mind and Psychological Researches

  7. 以观察胎心四腔观为基础,酌情增加长轴、短轴、主动脉弓等切面观,并适当配合彩色多普勒及脉冲多普勒超声检查。

    The main view observed was four-chamber and combined with long axial view , short axial and aortic arch view etc , as well as color Doppler and pulsed Doppler examination .

  8. 本文综合利用GPS及VLBI技术,以站心坐标速度为观测量,求解了五个主要板块的绝对和相对板块运动参数,进行了精度分析。

    In the paper , the GPS and VLBI technologies were synthetically used . It determined the absolute and relative plate motion parameters of the five main plates , using the topocentric coordinate speeds as the observation value .

  9. 武林中流行的文以评心,武以观德,说明了武德在中国武术文化方面的重要地位。

    WuShu morality has an important place in traditional Chinese culture .

  10. 第二个教训是,身为人父,我们应该传递给我们的子女一种同理心的人生价值观。

    The second thing we need to do as fathers is pass along the value of empathy to our children .

  11. 亲社会行为培养的众多方法大多可以在体育教学中得以实践,如责任心培养、价值观教育、移情训练等等。

    Most methods of prosocial behavior cultivation can be taken into practice in physical education , such as responsibility cultivation and values education .

  12. 69例均见胎心异常血流,其中伴胎心四腔观异常57例,无四腔观异常12例。

    All of the 69 cases were found abnormal blood flow , 57 cases of them were accompanied with four chamber abnormalities and 12 cases of them were found no four-chamber abnormalities .

  13. 本文围绕丰子恺倡导的“艺术心”作细致分析,揭示其“艺术心”美育观的丰富内涵和艺术观、艺术教育观的基本要点以及对于现实的启发性。

    This article offers a detailed study centering on artistic psyche , and reveals the depth of aesthetic psyche , the key gists of artistic and aesthetic educational psyche as well as its implication .