
  1. 我们无法了知我们所有的冤亲债主。

    We do not know who all of our creditors are .

  2. 我立即意识到我刚制造了又一个冤亲债主&即使他不知道我的诅咒!

    I instantly realized that I had just created one more karmic creditor – even if he did not know of my swearing !

  3. 令我们所有的人的冤亲债主,也都往生到西方极乐世界去。

    This recitation will also let all of our enemies , relative and creditors be reborn in the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss .

  4. 转而渐渐领会,要界定谁是我的冤亲债主是不可能的。

    Instead , I experienced a growing understanding that it is impossible to draw anywhere a boundary that defines who are my karmic creditors .

  5. 有一天,庙里的师父打电话给我妈妈,叫她去看有关仙佛及一些冤亲债主的见证。

    One day , the priest in the temple phoned my mother , telling her to come and see some testimonies about Buddha and ghosts of ancestors .

  6. 有些冤亲债主听了佛法劝导,他就算了,不再找麻烦;有些很执着,非报仇不可。

    Some karmic creditors will not trouble you again if they are convinced of the Buddhism , but some of them are really persistent and they are determined to take the revenge against you .

  7. 总之,我们的冤亲债主名单是永无止境的:每一个肉被我们吃,或奶被我们喝的动物,对我们来讲都是一个冤亲债主。

    In conclusion , the list of our karmic creditors is endless : every animal whose meat we have eaten , or whose milk we have drunk , is a karmic creditor to us .

  8. 这帮我懂得为什麽这是正常的宿生所发生的事情都没了记忆可是过去生里的那些冤亲债主却的确存在。

    That helps me understand why it is normal that I 'd have no memory whatsoever of events in my previous lives – and yet , those karmic creditors of previous lives are surely there !

  9. 教宗约翰‧保罗二世在火供前一天去世,我意识到他诚然是我的一位恩人,所以我将他作为我的一位冤亲债主而列其名入名单。

    Pope John Paul II died the day before the Puja , and I realized that he is indeed one of my benefactors , so I listed him by name as one of my karmic creditors .

  10. 至于帮助解除痛苦,往生咒、解冤咒及我所写的阿弥陀佛圣号符都是可以火化或持念来平息冤亲债主。

    To help relieve pain , Wang Sheng zhou , Jie Yuan Zhou and the namo Amitabha Buddha mantra sheet I wrote may be burned or chanted to pacify karmic creditors .