
suí xǐ
  • Suixi;join in charitable and pious deeds;join in an enjoyable activity;visit a temple
随喜 [suí xǐ]
  • (1) [follow suit]∶佛教指见人做善事而乐意参加,泛指随着众人参加集体送礼等

  • 我在这一个讲堂中,便须常常随喜我那同学们的拍手和喝采。--《呐喊.自序》

  • (2) [visit temples]∶旧指游览寺院

  • 时应清盥罢,随喜给孤园。--唐. 杜甫《望兜率寺》

  • (3) [tour]∶随人游玩

  1. 随喜功德以战胜嫉妒。

    Rejoice in other 's successes to combat jealousy .

  2. 比丘们对他的话随喜、心悦。

    Gratified , the monks delighted at his words .

  3. 免费入场,随喜捐赠!

    Free Entrance by Donation !

  4. 那就是薄伽梵所说。五比丘对他的话随喜、心悦。

    That is what the blessed one said . gratified , the group of five monks delighted at his words .

  5. 收费随喜,由您对课程的受益和您的财力情况,随喜功德,多少不限。

    The charges are paid at your own decision according to your benefit from the courses and your financial condition .

  6. 当一些好的事情降临在别人头上时,你为他们得到的福报随喜赞叹,并且鼓励他们,再接再厉。

    When something good happens to others , you rejoice in their merits and encourage them to do more good .

  7. 佛经中提到,对于造成如此丧失机会的事情,若有人即便是片刻的随喜,也会有数百辈子不得值遇证悟道。

    In the sutras , it is stated that someone who rejoices even momentarily over something that leads to such a lost opportunity will not encounter the path of enlightenment for hundreds of lifetimes .

  8. 随喜是妒忌心的妙药。在他人得到快乐时,若你为他心生欢喜,你就会被他的快乐所熏染。

    The heavy drinker has a nose to light candles at Appreciation is the magic cure for jealousy . If you feel happy for the person who has found happiness , your will be infected with his happiness .