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  1. 本文就加速折旧法月折旧额的计提、双倍余额递减法转直线法、计提固定资产减值后折旧额的计提及减值准备转回后的会计处理等问题进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses several issues such as the calculation of depreciation amount per month , the shift from double balance descending method to beeline method , the calculation of depreciation amount after the devaluation of fixed asset and the accountancy transaction after the devaluation reserve etc.

  2. 超临界CO2萃取法从月见草种子和丝状真菌中提取含γ-亚麻酸油脂

    Supercritical CO_2 Extraction of γ - Linolenic Acid-Containing Oils From Evening Primrose Seeds and Filamentous Fungus

  3. 投影追踪回归法在月径流长期预报中的应用

    Application of Projection Pursuit Regression to Monthly Discharge Long-Range Forecast

  4. 气相色谱法测定月见草籽超临界流体萃取物中有效成分的含量临界流量理论用于内燃机进气流量的分析

    Determination of Active Ingredient in the Supercritical Fluid Extractive Matter of Evening Primrose Seeds with Gas Chromatograph . Analysis of critical flowrate theory for intake processes in ICE

  5. 方法:应用免疫细胞化学结合图像定量分析法研究3月龄,9月龄和24月龄大鼠杏仁中央核内P物质标记神经元的变化。

    Eighteen male Wistar rats were divided into three groups : 3 month , 9 month and 24 month group . The aging changes of substance P ( SP ) in the central nucleus of the amygdala were observed .

  6. 利用RNA酶保护法对7月龄性未成熟幼鲤和2龄性成熟鲤组织胰岛素样生长因子-I(IGF-I)mRNA的表达水平进行测定,结果表明成鱼肝和肾脏组织IGF-imRNA的丰度显著高于幼鱼。

    IGF I mRNA expression of 7-month old juvenile and 2-year old adult common carp were determined by RNase Protection Assay . Results showed that the hepatic IGF I mRNA level of adult fish was significantly higher than that of 7-month old juvenile fish ;

  7. 根据广东境内主要河流控制断面20个站点1956~2000年逐月径流资料,采用PPCC检验法对其月枯水径流的五种理论分布模式进行对比分析。

    Based on the description of the concept of the low flow and low-flow discharges , the Probability Plot Correlation Coefficient ( PPCC ) method is used to test the probability distribution of monthly low flow at twenty stations in Guangdong Province .

  8. 地面旋转扭秤法和地月测距方法在10-13精度内验证弱等效原理依然成立。

    Current weak EP test comes to10-13 by the rotating torsion balance and Lunar laser ranging methods .

  9. 这是强化后的反垄断法自8月实施以来,首例就并购做出的裁决。

    It is the first publication of a merger decision since beefed-up anti-monopoly laws took effect in August .

  10. “关于我的回归,源于我和拉法在几个月前的一次对话,”达格利什说道。

    " Ispoke to Rafa a few months ago and things have progressed from there ," said Dalglish .

  11. 特别行政区政府刊宪公布后,国安法于6月30日在香港生效。

    The legislation on June 30 in Hong Kong upon its promulgation by the special administrative region government in the gazette .

  12. 应用差分能量法和归一化月速率方法处理了江苏省高邮台的地电阻率观测资料。

    The ground resistivity data measured at Gaoyou station , Jiangsu province are processed and analysized by using the differences energy and normalized monthly variation rate methods .

  13. 按照中国农历的纪年法,每个月都有两个节气,一年共有24个节气。

    According to the way of numbering the years in Chinese lunar calendar , there are two seasonal division points in each month , making 24 in a year .

  14. 明确规定了这四种犯罪的具体构成和相应的刑事责任。”他补充说,警方会支持和协助香港特别行政区维护国家安全委员会,并与其他执法机关合作,将违法者绳之以法。该法于6月30日度过。

    lates the specified composition and corresponding criminal liability for those four types of crimes . " He adds that the police will support and assist the committee for safeguarding national security of Hong Kong and work with other law enforcement authorities to lawbreakers The law was adopted on June 30th .

  15. 红河磷肥厂反复摸索、整改,使60kt/a半水&二水物法磷酸装置的月产量稳定在5000~5500t(P2O5计),各项工艺指标已基本达到设计要求。

    Through repeated research and innovation , Honghe Phosphate Fertilizer Factory has stabilized the daily production volume of the 60 kt / a HDH process phosphoric acid plant at 5 000-5 500 tons ( P2O5 ) . process indexes basically meeting design requirements .

  16. 用非线性映象法作钦州市月降水量预报的研究

    The Trial Utilization of Non-linear Image in Monthly Precipitation Forecast in Qinzhou

  17. 《刑事诉讼法》今年3月修订完成,将于明年1月起实施。

    That law was amended in March and will take effect from January .

  18. 《企业破产法》明年6月1日施行假破产真逃债伎俩再难得逞

    Law on Enterprise Bankruptcy Implemented Next Year

  19. 工作机会一大把却选择专攻环保法直到上个月

    Had your pick of jobs , but instead chose to work in environmental law - until last month .

  20. 根据报道,在空军采用猕猴驱鸟法的一个月时间里,两只猴子已拆除了180余个鸟窝。

    Two macaques have cleared about 180 nests in the month since the PLA adopted them , according to the report .

  21. 完善工作将以最高立法机关通过的一项新的出口控制法律为基础,该法将于12月1日生效。

    The work will be done based on a new law on export control passed by the top legislature , and which will on December 1st .

  22. 为了说明毛利法,假定1月1日的期初存货是8美元,在这个月里,购货净额为2美元以及销货净额为3美元。

    To illustrate the gross profit method , assume that the beginning inventory on january1is $ 8.during the month , net purchases amount to $ 2 and net sales total $ 3 .

  23. 针对潮汐电站的实际运行情况,在已知某个月的预报潮位及月初水位下,采用动态规划法求出该月的最优库水位过程线,使得该月的总发电量最大。

    Aim at the actual situation of tide power stations , under condition of tide level forcasted , dynamic programming is used to realize the optimal load dispatching among different time and units .

  24. 安全公署根据香港特区维护国家安全法成立,该法于6月30日生效。

    The office was established Hong Kong 's national security law which took effect on June 30 .

  25. 基于拟种群理论,运用方差分析法、主分量分析法及植物生长分析法,研究7月高温期辣椒拟种群不同程度的剪叶对模拟短期虫害的反应。

    Based on the theory of metapopulation , this paper studied the response of different leaf cutting Capsicum frutescens metapopulation to simulated short term insect pestes during high temperature period in July . Variance analysis ( ANOVA ), principal component analysis ( PCA ) and plant growth analysis were applied .

  26. 其中定性分析法介绍了标准化调查法、四阶段症状分析法、三个月资金周转表分析法、流程图分析法和管理评分法;

    The qualitative analysis method includes standardization investigate method , " four stage symptom " analysis method , " three months fund turnover chart " analysis method , technological process picture analysis and mark management method .

  27. 但是`,即使咱们没法预报地震,也能确定地震带;尽管咱们没法预测明年6月4曰的天气,但却能预见夏天的到来。

    But we can identify earthquake zones even if we cannot predict earthquakes and we can look forward to summer even if we cannot forecast the weather on4 June next .