
  • 网络I will be better;I'll Be Better;Better In Time
  1. 若这些随秋雨而去,不用多说,我会更好。

    If these away with the autumn , Needless to say , I will be better .

  2. 日落之后,我会更好地表现出个性的自我。

    After the sunrise , I can show my best to them .

  3. 在这样的环境下,我会更好!

    In this kind of condition , I will get myself better !

  4. 明天我会更好的,现在走想明天的晨光吧,宝贝。

    You 'll feel better tomorrow , come the morning light now baby .

  5. 如果他死了我会更好过一点。

    Better for me if the nigga was dead .

  6. 没有你我会更好。

    I 'd be better off without you .

  7. 如果有下辈子我会更好的照顾你。

    If has the next gerneration I to be able to look after you well , really .

  8. 我会更好的工作,就像华盛顿的每一个人一样。

    I 've got to do a better job , just like everybody else in Washington does .

  9. 谢谢你,亲爱的夏洛特,有你我会更好地照顾自己的。

    Thank you , dear Charlotte ! Because of you , I will take better care of myself .

  10. 漫长而蜿蜒的前路,我知道会更好。

    Long and winding road I should have know better .

  11. 如果她在家工作,我觉得会更好。

    I find it 's much better if she works from home .

  12. 今后我会变得更好。

    And I can only get better .

  13. 通常情况下,我会找到更好的选择而不去打开电视的开关。

    Often I come up with better options and the ON button doesn 't get pushed .

  14. 可能我穿会更好看

    Probably look better on me

  15. 事实上,如果让自己不去想忧愁,不讨论它们时,通常我会感觉更好。

    In fact , I usually feel better if I 'm distracted from my concerns , rather than try to discuss them .

  16. 我会变得更好一旦我做到了我会去哈佛大学说出心里话

    And I would be better for it . And when I do , I 'm going to go to Harvard , I 'm going to speak the truth of it .

  17. 四周若再安静一些,我会干得更好。

    I would work better if I had some peace and quiet .

  18. “我会做得更好,”我回敬道。

    " I 'll do better than that ," I retorted .

  19. 我会去你更好地了解这个。

    I will go to you for better understanding of this .

  20. 我想天气会更好/坏!

    I think the weather will be much better / worse !

  21. 你说他离开我会过得更好

    And you said he would be better off without me .

  22. 但是我会努力过更好的生活。

    But I will try to lead a better life .

  23. 同事:嗯,我会做得更好的。

    Colleague : Well , I will do it better .

  24. 我会想些更好的话来说。

    I 'd of thought of something better to say .

  25. 我保证我会更好,爸爸,请不要离开

    I promise I 'll be better , Daddy please don 't leave

  26. 我保证下次会更好

    I 'm sure it 'll be better next time .

  27. 谢谢大家的观点,我想我会更好的去对待这件事的。

    Thanks , everyone . I think I can do it very well .

  28. 我会带来甚至更好的酒,还有午餐我保证

    I will bring even better wine , some lunch . I promise .

  29. 感谢你的支持,有你我会做得更好!

    Thank you for your support , have you I will do better !

  30. 我本来预计会更好。

    I 'd expected to be much better .