
  1. 我相信中国会继续保持强劲的竞争力。

    I believe China will continue to be competitive .

  2. 我相信中国会变得更加富裕、更加强大。

    S30 : I believe China is going to be richer and stronger .

  3. 我相信中国有着美好的未来。

    I believed that China has a great future .

  4. 设计构思:女王是权力、奢华的象征。在未来我相信中国将会成为这样的女王。

    Designer idea : Empress is the symbolic of power , luxury and glamour like China .

  5. 我相信中国了解如何向西方学习这种转移手段。

    I am sure China knows how to copy this dirty trick from their western friends .

  6. 我相信中国队将来肯定能冲出亚洲走向世界。

    I believe China is sure to rush out of Asia to the world in the future .

  7. 我相信中国经济管理部门已认识到这个问题,在下一个五年计划中会有效地解决这个问题。

    I believe Chinese economic authorities recognize the problem and the next Five-Year Plan will address it effectively .

  8. 我相信中国人民一定会喜欢印度丰富多彩的舞蹈和歌曲。

    I 'm pretty sure that people in China will fall in love with colorful Indian dances and songs .

  9. 在起飞的完美,祖国,我相信中国将在东部的立场,决不下来!

    Motherland in the take-off , at perfect , I believe that China will stand in the East , and never down !

  10. 我相信中国还有能力继续救助遭受飓风袭击的邻国缅甸。

    Damage mitigation is in full swing , and I trust the country can still continue helping those other unfortunate souls in next-door Myanmar .

  11. 我相信中国有着充足的理由来举办奥运会,中国对奥运会做出的贡献将不仅仅是一张票的设计。

    I believe China has plenty of reasons to be such a host and what China can contribute to the Olympics is not merely a ticket design .

  12. 中国已加入了世贸组织,我相信中国的法律体系也定会随之而得到完善。

    China has joined the World Trade Organization , and as you live up to its obligations , they will bring changes in China 's legal system .

  13. 我相信中国将很快克服困难并帮助人民重建信心面对不可预见的灾难。

    I am confident that China will quickly overcome the cosequences of the tragic event and help restore its people 's confidence and resoluteness in facing such unforeseen disaster .

  14. 但是如果我们能够获得足够的国际支持,我相信中国在应对气候变化和保护全球环境方面会做得更好。

    If we can get adequate international support , I believe we can do an even better job in tackling climate change as well as protecting the global environment .

  15. 中国五千年的历史文化底蕴让世界震惊,我相信中国人把东方特有的传统文化底蕴结合西方古典油画精髓的时候,一定能让世界震惊。

    Five thousand years of Chinese history culture shock the world , I believe that the Chinese traditional culture eastern unique combination of western classical painting essence , will shock the world .

  16. 我相信中国已经从指导方针中领悟到重点:即使那些麻烦制造者试图想要使问题更糟糕,他们还是会稳定处理中国南海问题。

    I believe China has already got what they want from the guideline : Stabilizing in the South China Sea , though some trouble makers worked hard to try to mess up .

  17. 哈佛法学院互联网问题学者帕尔弗里说,如果能够维持下去,那么这是一个体面的解决办法,但我相信中国不会允许这种情况继续下去。

    This is an elegant solution if it were to hold , but I 'm not convinced China will allow this to continue , 'said John Palfrey , an Internet scholar at Harvard Law School .

  18. 我相信未来中国的农业是好。

    I believe the future of China 's agriculture is OK .

  19. 我相信每个中国人都知道这一点。

    I believe that individual Chinese know this .

  20. 我相信,中国有许多优秀的传统体育。

    I believe that there must be a lot of good traditional sports in China .

  21. 我相信,中国企业领袖也在这里看到巨大的机会。

    And I 'm sure that Chinese business leaders see enormous opportunities here as well .

  22. 我相信,中国和格林纳达的友谊长存,合作将越来越紧密。

    I firmly believe that the friendship between China and Grenada will be enhanced year by year .

  23. 我完全相信中国可以在保护野生动物方面成为领导者。

    I am absolutely convinced that China can become a global leader in the protection of wildlife .

  24. 我相信一旦中国人得知自己也快要完蛋了,他们肯定会吓得尿裤子的。

    I am sure they 're pissing their pants now knowing they 'll be next to go down .

  25. 想法非常好但我不相信中国人非常需要经济方面的帮助。

    It is very nice thoughts but I do not believe Chinese are in dire need for financial help .

  26. 其实,我是相信中国给朝鲜人的核能项目提供了资金。

    In fact , I believe the North Koreans are funded by China for pursuing their Nuclear Power program .

  27. 他说:我相信,中国企业能够成为可替代能源汽车业务领域的领先者,因为我们的电池质量好。

    I believe Chinese companies can become leaders in the alternative car business because we make good batteries , he says .

  28. 我相信随着中国在设计和时尚领域不断增强的世界影响力,这些品牌会有很好的未来。

    I believe they have a great future , as Chinese influence in design and fashion in overseas market will increase .

  29. 通过文化和语言的学习,我更加相信中国是一个充满了机遇的国家。

    Through studying its culture and language , I have become more and more convinced that China is a country full of opportunities .

  30. 在网易的新闻论坛上,一名网民呼吁对网络习惯有更大的包容。他说,我相信只有中国才有这样一个词:网瘾

    On Netease 's news forum , one netizen called for greater tolerance of Web habits : 'I am sure only China has such a term : Internet addiction