
  • 网络Billing;Account;ADJUST ACCOUNT
  1. 为了实现电信业务经营目的,各电信公司都拥有不同版本的计费账务产品。

    In order to achieve the objectives of the operation of telecommunication services , telecom companies have different versions of the charging and billing products .

  2. 在深入分析中国电信行业相关业务、技术规范的基础上,依据本次系统的建设目标,对中国联通新一代集中计费账务系统的建设进行了深入的专题研究。

    After deeply analysis related service and technical specification of China telecom industry , this paper has done monographic study of China Unicom new generation concentrated billing system establishment .

  3. 她跟我们一样也在账务室做事,活该如此!

    She works with us in Accounts , for her sins !

  4. 他们每年对我们进行账务审核,以确保其真实无误。

    Each year they audit our accounts and certify them as being true and fair .

  5. 利用Javaswing轻量级组件开发的网络流量账务系统

    Account System of Network Flows Developed by Using Lightweight Components of Java Swing

  6. 3G时代的计费小灵通实时计费账务管理系统的设计与实现

    3G Charging Design and Development of PHS Real - time Charging and Accounting System

  7. 最后将基于UML的系统分析与设计方法应用于实际系统&河南通信计费账务系统中,进行详细分析与设计。

    At last we use this method in a real system & HENAN telecommunication Account system of charging .

  8. 近些年来,ATM自动取款机已经成为商业银行主要的前台账务自助结算系统。

    In recent years , ATM teller machines to become self-checkout systems for front accounts of commercial banks .

  9. 综合账务系统作为BOSS系统的重要组成部分,是电信运营商提高服务质量、减少话费纠纷、提高经营管理效率的重要工具,是整个BOSS系统业务的核心。

    The account system , which is the tool of developing the service , reducing the dissension and developing the management of telecom , is the core of BOSS .

  10. 作为信贷违约互换产品(CDS)的主要经营商,合约常常用于支撑一家公司偿还账务的能力。摩根大通也许发现他们正被卷入另一场漩涡中。

    As the leading dealer in the market for credit-default swaps ( CDS ), contracts used to punt on a company 's ability to repay its debt , JPMorgan Chase could find itself dragged into another maelstrom .

  11. Assaji向我们展示了分文不差的账务以及孩子们写给这位医生的感谢信。

    Assaji shows the meticulously kept accounts and the " Thank You " letters the children have written to that doctor .

  12. 接着,利用Spring-Hibernate组合框架技术,阐述了基础信息管理、库存管理、账务管理、查询统计、用户管理等模块的详细设计过程。

    Then , this thesis elaborates the detailed design processes of the foundation module witch include the information management , the stock management , the bookkeeping management , the inquiry statistics , the user management and so on , exerting the Spring-Hibernate combination frame technology .

  13. 新疆移动通信营业账务系统设计方案

    Mobile Communications Business Accounting System Design Solution of Xinjiang Autonomous Region

  14. 账务处理的行程控制和故障恢复

    The Procedure Control and Failure Recovery Methods for Accounting Process Systems

  15. 销售折扣与销售折让的账务处理

    Accounting Process Related to Discountable Sale and Sale Followed by Compensation

  16. 执行电费收缴及账务管理控制信息。

    Execute the electricity bill collection and account management control information .

  17. 浅析企业借款费用的账务处理

    Enterprises Business Data On the Bookkeeping of the Enterprise Charges

  18. 电信领域中计费账务系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Expenese and Account Management System in Telecommunication Domain

  19. 新来的账务管理确实是个大美人。

    The new administrator in accounts is a real stunner .

  20. 对我国固定资产重估账务处理的改进建议

    Proposal to Our Country 's Accounting Processing Methods of Fixed Assets Revaluation

  21. 浅谈企业会计差错更正的账务处理

    Brief Discussion about How To Correct Account Mistakes for Enterprises

  22. 试论体育系统固定资产账务处理及管理

    On the Fixed Capital Account Value and Management System in Sports Dept

  23. 随着交通银行核心账务系统实现全行大集中。

    As the bank core accounting system to achieve the bank concentration .

  24. 它改变了可接收账务发生通货膨胀的可能性。

    It removes the possibility that accounts receivable will be inflated away .

  25. 浅析会计差错更正的账务处理及报表调整

    On the Accounting Disposal and Report Form Adjustment of Accountant 's Error Correction

  26. 对货到未付款账务处理方法的研究

    The Study of Accounting Method for Transactions of Goods in Warehouse before Paying

  27. 账务处理系统数据结构和数据流程的构建

    Construction of the Data Structure and Data Flow of the Account Analysis System

  28. 研究了在原没有数据采集传送功能的银行账务系统中,实现账务信息的实时采集技术;

    Study the technique to carry out the information of account collects actually ;

  29. 关于换入资产涉及应收款项的账务处理问题;

    On the assets involved in handling accounts receivables ;

  30. 关于销售折扣账务处理的案例分析

    A Case Study of Sales Discount in Accounting Treatment