
  1. 重点是:健全网络道德规范体系。

    The key point is the network ethics system .

  2. 自觉遵守网络道德规范是个体道德自律的关键;

    Consciously abiding by moral regulations on cyberspace is the key to individual moral autonomy .

  3. 确立网络道德规范、加强网络道德教育、加强网络社会个体的道德修养,是促进网络社会个体道德自律的主要手段。

    The measures include establishing network ethical regulations , strengthening network ethical education , and strengthening individual ethical self - cultivation .

  4. 网络道德规范体系的构建及其对初中生网络道德教育的研究

    The extramarital affair runs counter to the ethics Construction of Network Moral Standard System and Research on Education for Junior High School Students

  5. 通过加强网络道德规范建设,实现自律与他律相结合,从而规范人们的网络行为;

    By means of enhancing network ethics standard education and realizing the combination of self restraining and other restraining , thus we can standardize people 's network behaviour .

  6. 拓展中学德育内容,加强互联网法律法规、网络道德规范教育、网络安全防范教育及普适的道德规范教育,引导中学生正确地对待网络,规范网络行为;

    Things should be done to expand the moral education at middle school , to enhance internet law and regulation , network moral education as well as network safeguard education , to guide middle school students to properly deal with the network and to regulate the networkbehavior ;

  7. 论商业化语境下网络媒体道德规范的构建

    The Ethic Regulations Construct of Internet Media under the Commerce Context

  8. 大学生网络伦理道德规范研究

    Ethics and Moral Principles for Students in the Network Society

  9. 因此,建立网络婚恋道德规范体系势在必行。

    Therefore , it must be enforced to establish web moral regulation systems .

  10. 她补充称,要为网络制定道德规范,可能要花同样长的时间。

    Developing ethical rules for the web , she adds , is likely to take just as long .

  11. 浅谈网络伦理的道德规范的适用

    The Suitability of Ethic Code in the Network Morality

  12. 社会取向&强化青少年网络应用的道德规范;

    Society : enhance the moral criterion to callan .

  13. 网络社会的道德规范初探

    Primary Analysis on the Morality of Internet Society

  14. 高校学生的网络道德,是规范高校学生这一特殊网络道德主体有关网络活动的道德价值观念和行为准则。

    The university students ' network morals is that the standard university students this special network morals viewpoint of value of morals main relevant network campaign is thought of with code of conduct .

  15. 三是构建具有普遍意义的大学生网络社交道德观念和规范。

    Thirdly , establishing college students ' moral ideas and rules of social networking .

  16. 因此作为传播网络知识和道德行为规范的信息技术教师更应尽快实现由观念到行动的转变。

    Therefore , as the dissemination of network knowledge and moral norms of behavior of information technology , teachers should realize the transformation as soon as possible from concept to action .

  17. 加强网络道德建设,建立网络道德规范,成为当今社会的一项十分紧迫的任务。

    Reinforcing the construction of network morals and establishing network morals specification become an urgent task of present society .

  18. 本文就网络道德存在的主要问题、网络道德规范的主要内容及网络道德建设的主要途径进行了探讨。

    This essay mainly discusses the key problem , the main contents of the network morality standards and the main path of the network morality construction .

  19. 笔者认为主要体现在四个方面,首先是网络技术方面的原因;其次是网络道德规范体系方面;再次是大学生自身方面;最后是三维(社会、学校和家庭)系统方面。

    The author believes that it mainly reflects in four aspects . The first is network technology . The second is unperfected network system of moral standards . Then is the reason of university student self-condition .

  20. 从网络心理健康、网络文化环境、网络道德规范、网络立法建设、网络行为监控、网络技术培训等方面浅议网络信息污染与技术恐惧的调控方略。

    From the psychological health of the network , cultural environment of the network , network code of ethic , network law construction , network behavior control , network technical training , etc. shallow to discuss network information pollute with technology frightened general plan of regulation and control respect .

  21. 为此,必须提高网络主体自身的道德修养,制定与完善网络道德规范,以创造一个稳定、健康、有序的网络社会环境。

    Therefore , the self cultivation of the network subject must be improved , and the network moral codes and regulations must be worked out to create a steady , healthy , and orderly network society .

  22. 本文从研究网络道德的本质及特点出发,重点探讨了网络道德基本规范的内容,提出了爱国、守法、无害、友善四条网络基本道德规范要求。

    In this article the author points out the nature and features of internet ethics , focuses on the discussion of its essential norms friendliness and proposes for it four basic norms ethics as " patrioticness "," observance "," harmlessness " and " good-will " .

  23. 大学生是网络应用的主体,加强大学生网络道德研究,构建大学生网络道德行为规范体系,强化大学生网络道德教育,对我国公民道德建设具有重要的现实意义。

    So it 's of great signification to strengthen the research on the net ethics and the moral education of college students and to constitute a standard system which can guide the college students ' moral behavior on networks .

  24. 要利用互联网开展好学生思想教育工作,使两课教育进网络,建立高素质的具有网络教育能力的师资队伍,加强网络道德规范建设。

    We can make use of the Internet in the though education , make the " two lessons " education enter the network and establish the high quality teacher ′ s troops that have the ability of network and enhance network morals norm .

  25. 第三章是网络新闻道德的宏观建设,目标主要是建立一个网络新闻道德规范体系;第四章是网络新闻道德的微观建设,旨在提出网络新闻道德建设的具体措施。

    The third chapter deals with the macro-construction of the network journalism moral , aiming to establish a system of network journalism moral , while the fourth one concerns the micro-construction , aiming to put forward the concrete measures of the construction of network journalism .

  26. 提出的理性建构网络伦理关系的原则和内容,是培养正确的网络伦理意识,制定科学的网络道德规范和法律规范,逐步形成网络慎独氛围的理论基础。

    The principles and content of rational Internet ethics construction proposed in this paper is the theoretical foundation on which to develop the sound Internet ethical awareness , establish scientific Internet moral and legal regulations and form Internet " self-discipline while being alone " atmosphere gradually .

  27. 其次,立足于我国网络出版技术的发展实际和伦理学特点并借鉴国内外已有的与网络出版相关的伦理道德规范,提出了现阶段我国网络出版的伦理道德规范;

    Then based on the reality of domestic network publishing technology development and the characters of ethics , also learning from established ethical norms home and abroad , it put forwards the ethical norms of the present domestic network publishing .

  28. 针对大学生网络交往异化的原因,本文提出了增强大学生的主体性、加强大学生网络交往道德教育、规范大学生网络交往环境等对策措施。

    For reasons of college students ' network communication alienation , the paper put forward to enhance the students ' subjectivity , to strengthen the moral education of college students ' network communication , to regulate college students ' network communication environment and so on .

  29. 要使网络社会的道德问题得以解决,就要在传统既有道德的基础上建立网络社会的伦理道德规范。

    If solved these problems we must establish moral norm of network society on the basis of traditional fixed morals .