
  1. 5月21日下午你在哪里?

    Where were you on the afternoon of May 21 ?

  2. 你在哪里学的烹调?

    Where did you learn to cook ?

  3. 你在哪里见过他?

    Where did you meet him ?

  4. B:太棒了!你在哪里学剪纸?

    B : It 's fantastic ! Where do you learn paper-cutting ?

  5. A:让我看看。你在哪里工作?

    A : Let me have a look.Where do you work ?

  6. 艾丽斯:嗨,杰克。你在哪里?

    Alice : Hi , Jack . Where are you ?

  7. A:听起来很有趣。你在哪里买的这本书?

    A : Sounds interesting.Where did you buy this book ?

  8. 有一天,老太婆没有看到她的丈夫,就大声喊他:“老头,你在哪里呀?”

    One day the old woman missed her husband . She called out : " Old man , where are you ? "

  9. 你在哪里学的如此好的英语(english)?

    A : Where did you learn to speak such good English ?

  10. 多多!你在哪里?他真的生气走了。

    Toto ! Where are you ? He 's pissed off .

  11. 不自觉的会想你在哪里。

    I can 't keep myself from wondering where you are .

  12. 跳过排队等待你在哪里花费时间排队等待?

    Skip That Line Where do you spend time in line ?

  13. “你在哪里找到她的?”毛拉问。

    " Where did you find her ?" asked the Mullah .

  14. 兔子,你在哪里和罗伯特去吃饭?

    Bunny , where are you and Robert going for dinner ?

  15. 你在哪里?我已经等你很久了。

    Where are you ? I 've been waiting here forever .

  16. 你在哪里学会做这种事情的?

    Where 'd you learn to do this kind of stuff ?

  17. 上帝会知道你在哪里。

    God 's wrath will know where to find you .

  18. 巴利被杀当晚你在哪里?

    Where were you the night Barry schickei was kiiied ?

  19. 小王会告诉你在哪里和我碰头。

    Xiao Wang will tell you where to meet me .

  20. 小姐,你在哪里拿到的博士学位?

    Miss , where 's that ph.d.course you 're taking ?

  21. 你在哪里?我在卧室里。

    Where are you ? I 'm in the bedroom .

  22. 负责些,停车告诉我们你在哪里。

    Be reasonable , stop and tell us your location .

  23. 来自加拿大?你在哪里出生?

    Brad : From Canada ? Where were you born ?

  24. 顺便问一句,昨晚你在哪里?

    By the way , where were you last night ?

  25. 你在哪里?你在哪里把鼻子弄出了血?

    Where were you ? Where did you get that bloody nose ?

  26. 你在哪里参与了半程马拉松?

    Where was the half marathon that you competed in ?

  27. 问:其他时间你在哪里?

    Q. Where are you the rest of the time ?

  28. 手指爸爸,手指爸爸,你在哪里?

    Father finger , father finger , where are you ?

  29. 托马斯,宝贝你在哪里

    Thomas ? Thomas , baby , where are you ?

  30. 不管你在哪里,如果你接这件工作的话。

    From wherever you 're at , if you accept the call .