
  1. 坦白地说,你是凶手,屠夫!

    To put it more plainly , a mass-murderer , a butcher !

  2. 我的直觉告诉我你是凶手。

    And my gut tells me , that you 're a killer .

  3. 哦,你是凶手,你看。

    Oh , you are killers , you see .

  4. 那就是说他们都认为你是凶手。

    That tells us that you 're our killer .

  5. 你是凶手,是杀人犯

    You 're a murderer . A killer .

  6. 有证据证明你是凶手。

    The evidence makes you a murderer .

  7. 如果我的推论正确的话,我可以告诉你谁是凶手。

    If my deductions are correct , I can tell you who the killer was .

  8. 艾伦在自杀前告诉我你才是凶手。

    Aaron told me you did it before he killed himself .

  9. 你是说凶手另有其人。

    So you 're saying this was a different killer .

  10. 你认为是凶手的?

    You think it 's related to the murder ?

  11. 你是说凶手可能不止一个?

    You mean there could be more than one ?

  12. 你觉得是凶手么?

    Think the killer did this ?

  13. “什么?你说杰瑞是凶手?”麦克叫道。

    " What ? You mean Jerry is the murderer ?" Mike shouted .

  14. 你认为她是凶手?

    You ready to name her killer ?

  15. 你认为他是凶手吗?

    You think he 's the killer ?

  16. 你才是真正的凶手。

    It 's you that 's the real murderer .

  17. 你是骗子、杀人凶手。

    You 're a liar and a murderer .

  18. 那你觉得那人是凶手吗?

    So you think your guy killed her ?

  19. 你是杀死帕默的凶手之一。

    You 're the one that killed palmer .

  20. 你知道韩相君是个凶手!

    You know Han is a killer !

  21. 你是说,你认为你知道谁是凶手.斯通侦探,我知道凶手是谁,

    You mean , you think you know who it is . Detective Stone , I know who the killer is .

  22. 你的意思是,你认为你知道谁是凶手.

    You mean , you think you know who it is .

  23. 斯通侦探:你的意思是,你认为你知道谁是凶手。

    Detective Stone : you mean , you think you know who it is .

  24. 你是指你基本上告诉她你认为她是凶手的话吗

    Oh , you mean that you basically told her you thought she might be guilty ?