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  1. 后排观众一直喊着“我们听不到”。

    People at the back kept calling out " we can 't hear . "

  2. 演唱会之后,周杰伦获悉了这位粉丝因将灯牌举得太高,影响到后排观众的视线,所以该保安上前劝阻以保证其他观众的正常观看。

    After the concert , Chou learnt that the fan had raised her board so high that it blocked the view of those behind her . So the " security guard " stepped in to help comfort other members in the audience .

  3. 后排的观众站起了身,连他的一根头发也不肯放过;

    Spectators in back rows stood up , not to miss a hair of him ;

  4. 一般来讲面部表情在现场表演中并不十分重要,因为编舞者知道剧场后排的观众可能无法清楚的看到舞者的脸。

    Facial expressions aren 't as important in live performances generally , because the choreographer knows that someone in the back row of a theater may not be able to see a dancer 's face clearly .