
hòu xiàng fǎn shè qì
  • retroreflector;retrodirective reflector
后向反射器[hòu xiàng fǎn shè qì]
  1. 光干涉仪对猫眼后向反射器及其导轨的要求

    The Demands of Optical Interferometer on Cat 's Eye Retroreflector and Its Rail

  2. 月球测距后向反射器这颗星距离地球很远。

    Lunar ranging retroreflector The distant star is far distant from the earth .

  3. GPS35卫星是全球定位系统卫星星座中的一颗卫星,它的对地一侧安装了激光后向反射器,可实施激光测距观测。

    GPS35 satellite is one of the constellations of the Global Position System , it was equipped with laser retrorefractors toward the earth and can be observed with SLR .

  4. 有限元法分析空心后向反射器面形精度

    Analysis of the surface form accuracy of hollow retro-reflector using finite element method

  5. 侧向地震反射剖面法月球测距后向反射器

    Broadside seismic reflection profiling lunar ranging retroreflector

  6. 给出了高斯波束、球面波,平面波入射到平面镜和后向反射器上,反射波的数值计算结果。

    The results of Gaussian beam , spherical wave and plane wave incident on plane mirror and retroreflector are discussed respectively .