
  • 网络Later on, I;I later
  1. subsequentadj.随后的,后来的我现在说到的事情都是战后发生的。

    The events I 'm speaking of were subsequent to the war .

  2. 他后来的遭遇我就不知道了。

    I don 't know what became of him later .

  3. 后来的事情我记不清了

    What happened after that was a blur .

  4. 后来慢慢的我开始带吊床你也应问他们要一个吊床你要怎么把它吊起来

    Then it developed into a hammock.You should ask for hammock.How do you suspend that

  5. 比起她后来的作品,我更喜欢她早期的画。

    I prefer her earlier paintings to her later work .

  6. 而后来事情的发展我也全盘接受了

    And I 'm totally fine with the way things turned out .

  7. 我告诉你吧,试飞成功的那个晚上和后来的几个晚上我都幸福得睡不著。

    I will tell you I didin 't sleep that night or for several nights thereafter .

  8. 所以在后来的时光中我给你的水晶失去了最美丽的光泽。

    So later I 'll give you the time in the crystal to lose the most beautiful sheen .

  9. 那年那月那日,我就那么爱上了那个男人,爱的很深很沉重,后来发生的,我一辈子也搞不明白,是真实还是误会。

    That year it was on , then I fell in love with the man , a very deep love of heavy , took place later , I also can not understand that life is real or misunderstanding .

  10. 他后来回来的时候我责备他带着别家的咖啡进店,她说:但他态度非常友好,一点也不在意,继续跟店里的人握手。

    But Mrs Thomas had words with Mr Cameron when he returned . He came back in afterwards and I told him off for not getting a coffee here , she said . He shook hands and was very pleasant .

  11. 至于后来发生的事情,我自己现在想起来都忍不住发笑。

    I can 't help laughing now upon recalling what happened next .

  12. 从我后来的经验看来,我对这个作法感到很后悔。

    In the light of my later experience I have regretted this .

  13. 后来的事件证明了我的虑并没有错。

    My fears were verified by subsequent events .

  14. 后来发生的事证明我是对的。

    Subsequent events showed that I was right .

  15. 后来我的朋友告诉我应学会用信用卡付帐。

    Later , my friend told me that I should learn to make payments by using credit cards .

  16. 如果相识就是为了后来的伤痛,那么我宁愿那是一场无言的宿醉!

    If the acquaintance is to subsequent pain , then I would rather it was a silent hangover !

  17. 在后来的几周,我采取了前所未有的行动,扭转联邦政府越权趋势,释放创造就业的能力。

    In the following weeks , I took unprecedented actions to reverse Federal overreach and unleash job creation .

  18. 后来的几个月,我要跟朴凯特先生努力地学习,朴凯特先生永远是一位很慈祥、很乐于助人的老师。

    In the next few months I studied hard with Mr Pocket , who was always a most kind and helpful teacher .

  19. 她不会知道,她这纯稚的话语,在我后来的岁月里激励我度过多少艰难的时光。

    Little did she know how many trying moments the glow of her sincerely loving statement would carry me through over the following years .

  20. 后来的话呢,我从罗平调来这个物资局,建材公司,你奶的话呢也和我一起调来建材公司。

    Few years later , I was assigned from Luopin to the Council Building Materials Company , and my wife came with me as well .

  21. 后来的几年,我参加了海洋探险训练营,阅读航船杂志和航海专著,还观摩了多次的船艇展览。

    During the next few years , I joined the seas scouts , read boating magazines and nautical books , and went to boat shows .

  22. 后来,不知怎的我抓住门柄,结果门开了,门原来没上锁。

    Well , without noticing what I was doing , I took hold of the knob , and open comes the door ! It warn 't locked !

  23. 后来我的律师给我打电话说,布莱恩,这是我参加过的,最糟糕的董事会了。

    And my lawyer called me after and said : Brain , that was the worst board meeting I 've ever been a part of , ever .

  24. 后来我的老板告诉我,他是从一众资深候选人中挑选了我的,因为他考虑到中文是如此难学,因此认定我必是候选人中最聪明的一个。

    Later my new boss told me he had chosen me over a string of qualified candidates because Chinese is such a difficult language to master that he reckoned I must be the smartest of the lot .

  25. 然而,如果我当时成功得到那份工作,我就不会有后来的这些机会,我就不可能目睹后来所看到的事情。

    And had I gotten that job there was no way I would have had the opportunities that I had ; there was no way I would have seen the things I 've been able to see .

  26. 的独立性的重要意义,然而,后来的大学期间,我早期的大部分时间里,在18岁或19岁的时候我住的学生在我自己在宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡公寓的年龄。

    The significance of independence , however , came much later during my early years of college ; at the age of18 or19 when I was living on my own as student in an apartment in Harrisburg , Pennsylvania .

  27. “后来后来后来发生的事,我有点吃不准。不过我仿佛记得你让希德去去。”

    " And then and then well I wo n 't be certain , but it seems like as if you made Sid go and and "