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  1. 工程伦理学是20世纪后期兴起的一门交叉学科,自觉地担负起对人类健康、安全和福利的责任是工程伦理学的第一主题。

    Engineering ethics is an inter-disciplinary subject developed in the late 20th century . The prominent theme in engineering ethics is the responsibility committed voluntarily for human health , security and commonweal .

  2. 自蔓延高温合成技术是20世纪后期诞生的一门新兴的前沿科学,在粉体合成及陶瓷涂层内衬的制备等方面充分显示其优越性。

    Born in late20th century as a frontier field of science , self-propagating high temperature synthesis ( SHS ) has shown its merits in powder synthesis and manufacture of inner ceramic lining .

  3. 复杂科学是20世纪后期兴起的一门新学科,复杂科学对于探索和研究复杂系统,尤其是从组织管理的层面解决复杂问题具有独到的作用。

    Complexity , as a new branch of science emerged in the 80s of the 20th century , is of unique value for exploring and studying complex systems , especially for solving complicated problems from the angle of organizational management .

  4. 20世纪80年代中后期,电子节气门技术出现以来,已经有越来越多地研究机构和汽车厂商开始对其进行研究开发,并已有成熟的产品应用到各种中高档轿车上。

    More and more research organizations and factories of automobile have began to study the electronic throttle technology since the middle of the eighties of the twentieth century , and there have been many mature products in various luxurious cars .

  5. 语料库语言学是上个世纪中后期兴起的一门新兴的语言学分支学科,在过去的20年中得到了长足的发展,已经成为现代语言学的一个重要分支。

    Since the middle of the 1960s , corpus linguistics has come into vogue as a new branch of linguistics . During the past 20 years , corpus linguists have made significant progress . Corpus linguistics has become an important branch of modern linguistics .