
hòu huǐ
  • regret;sorry;repent;remorse;rue
后悔 [hòu huǐ]
  • [repent;regret] 为了过去的作为或为了没有做到的事而感到懊悔

  • 匆忙地结婚,慢慢地后悔

后悔[hòu huǐ]
  1. 她到不了天黑就会为自己说的话后悔。

    She was to regret her words before the day was out .

  2. 这一决定也许会有让他后悔的一日。

    The decision could be one he lives to regret .

  3. 她对自己做过的事还没有表现出真正后悔的样子。

    She has not shown any real regret for what she did .

  4. 后来她后悔说了那些话。

    Afterwards she was sorry for what she 'd said .

  5. 她对拒绝那个计划丝毫也不后悔。

    She has no compunctions about rejecting the plan .

  6. 他终生都将后悔作出了那一决定。

    He was to regret that decision for the rest of his life .

  7. 要是让我抓着,你会后悔的!

    You 'll be sorry if I catch you !

  8. 我一点也不后悔离开纽卡斯尔。

    I have no regrets about leaving Newcastle .

  9. 常言道:覆水难收,后悔也于事无补。

    As the saying goes ─ it 's no use crying over spilt milk .

  10. 我对我那些考虑不周的言辞开始感到后悔。

    I came to regret my unconsidered remarks .

  11. 我死后你会为你说的话感到后悔的。

    You 'll be sorry you said that when I 'm dead and gone .

  12. 他开始后悔自己的草率决定。

    He came to repent his hasty decision .

  13. 要是不接受他们的提议,将来后悔都来不及。

    It would be a crying shame not to take them up on the offer .

  14. 我非常后悔说了那些话。

    I deeply regret what I said .

  15. 她后悔不已。

    She was eaten up by regrets .

  16. 他对自己的莽撞极其后悔。

    He bitterly regretted his rashness .

  17. 他在激烈争吵时说了许多他后来感到后悔的话。

    In the heat of the argument he said a lot of things he regretted later .

  18. 你若不听我的劝告,保管你会后悔的。

    If you don 't take my advice , you 'll regret it , I promise you .

  19. 5年后她对当初放弃自己的家感到后悔。

    Five years later she regrets having given up her home .

  20. 他感到内疚、沮丧、后悔和害怕。

    He was feeling guilty and depressed , repentant and scared .

  21. 滚回那边去,否则你会后悔的。

    Get back in there , or you 'll be sorry .

  22. 埃利斯好像后悔问了这个问题。

    Ellis seemed to be regretting that he had asked the question

  23. 我并不后悔放弃了婚姻所带来的安全感。

    I don 't regret stepping out of the security of marriage .

  24. 我一说完这话就后悔了——我都想抽自己。

    I immediately regretted having said this — I could have kicked myself .

  25. 他一生中有什么后悔的事情吗?

    Did he repent of anything in his life ?

  26. 利里说他没后悔退休。

    Lillee said he had no regrets about retiring .

  27. 我不想作出错误的决定,其后再来后悔。

    I don 't want to make the wrong decision and regret it later

  28. 我就向他屈服了,从那以后我一直后悔。

    I simply gave in to him , and I 've regretted it ever since

  29. 令人惊讶的是,她并没有对她的行为感到紧张或后悔。

    Surprisingly , she didn 't feel nervous , or regretful about her actions .

  30. 塔瓦雷可能正在为自己作出的决定感到后悔。

    Tavare was probably ruing his decision .