
  • 网络What happened next
  1. 真正的问题是:数据后来发生了什么?

    The real question is : What happens to the data afterwards ?

  2. 我想你能猜到后来发生了什么吧。

    I think you can see where this is going .

  3. 不管后来发生了什么,安然最初是以一些稳固的理念为本。

    Whatever happened later , Enron was initially based on some solid ideas .

  4. 你的最初目标是成为职业高尔夫球选手,对吗?后来发生了什么?

    Your original goal was to be a golf pro , right ? What happened ?

  5. 他觉的什么东西落到了他头上,后来发生了什么事就不知道了。

    He felt something falling on his head , and then he knew nothing about what happened later .

  6. —开始我就说了发生了什么事、我的感受以及后来发生了什么。

    What happened and how I felt and how I got up the next day and went on .

  7. 后来到底发生了什么,为什么姚明没有来这里呢?

    What happened and why isn 't Yao here .

  8. 说说开始发生了什么,后来又发生了什么,以及你意识到了什么。

    Tell what happened first , what happened next , and what you realized .

  9. 如果存在我们的生命种类,有机类,很久以前出现在金星,后来生命发生了什么?

    If there was life of our kind , the organic kind , on the surface of Venus a long time ago , then what happened to that life ?

  10. 后来约翰告诉我们发生了什么。

    John tells us in his own words what happened next .