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  • 网络feldspathic glaze;feldspar glaze;feldspare glaze
  1. 通过对比试验发现:在釉料配方中引入一定量的废瓷粉取代长石等釉用原料,可以提高釉面质量及产品良品率。

    It was found that the glaze quality and the rate of good product was improved through adding ceramic body waster powder into the glaze instead of feldspar and so on .

  2. 钙长石微晶玻璃釉的典型结构为大量形貌和尺寸均一的球状晶粒(直径为250nm左右)均匀分布在连续的玻璃基体中。

    The typical structure of the anorthite-based glass-ceramic glaze was that a large number of spherical anorthite crystals with a uniform size of about 250 nm distributed well in the vitreous matrix .