
  • 网络climatic disaster;climatic scourge;climate damage,climatic hazard
  1. 甘肃省干旱气候灾害对气候变化的响应

    Study of Climatic Disaster on Drought in Gansu Province and Its Responses to Climatic Change

  2. 在研究各种灾害发生规律的基础上,提出了防治气候灾害的主要措施。

    The main measures to prevent and cure the climatic disaster are put forwards on the basis of the study of the occurrence of all kinds of damage .

  3. ARGO海洋环境观测数据对海洋环境保护和海洋气候灾害预防十分重要,但有关ARGO数据分析资料和处理软件严重缺乏。

    ARGO marine observation data are very important for marine environment protection and climate disaster prevention . But information and processing software for them are insufficient . The format , record and working mode of ARGO data from satellites and in the ocean are introduced .

  4. 干旱是主要气候灾害之一。

    The drought is one of the main climatic disasters .

  5. 中国是一个气候灾害频繁发生的国家。

    China is a frequent occurrence in the state of climate disasters .

  6. 重庆市气候灾害监测预警系统设计

    Design of monitoring and pre warning system of climatic calamity in Chongqing

  7. 我国交通运输气候灾害的初步研究

    A preliminary research on climate disasters in transportation in China

  8. 加拿大应对重大气候灾害的经验和措施

    The Experiences and Countermeasures of Canadian People on Fighting Severe Climate Disaster

  9. 贵州气候灾害近50年变化趋势

    Variation trend of climatic calamities in the past 50 years in Guizhou

  10. 浙江金衢盆地主要气候灾害演变分析

    Evolution of the Main Climate Damages of Jin-Qu Basin

  11. 南京城市气候灾害的研究

    A study of the Urban Climatic Disasters in Nanjing

  12. 应当降低农业社区对气候灾害的易受害程度。

    The vulnerability of farming communities to climate-related disasters needs to be reduced .

  13. 区域气候灾害综合分析系统的研究&以长春地区为例

    The comprehensive analysis system of regional climatic disasters

  14. 干旱气候灾害及甘肃省干旱气候灾害研究综述

    Review of Arid Climate Disaster in Gansu Province

  15. 同样的,干旱、洪水以及其它气候灾害也是世界上屡见不鲜的事件。

    Similarly drought , floods and other climatic hazards are frequent events around the World .

  16. 建立了主要农作物气候灾害损失率的计算模型;

    The calculative models of losing ratio of climate disasters of main crops were raised .

  17. 中国重大气候灾害

    Severe Climatic Disasters in China

  18. 关于中国重大气候灾害与东亚气候系统之间关系的研究

    Studies on the Relationship between the Severe Climatic Disasters in China and the East Asia Climate System

  19. 苏州太湖地区现代气候灾害演变初步分析

    An Initial Analyse of the Evolution of Climate Disasters of Tat Hu Lake-Suzhou Region in Modern Times

  20. 西北地区干旱化是我国气候灾害和全球变化的主要问题之一。

    The drought in NW China is one of the main problems of climate disaster of China and global change .

  21. 就其影响范围和发生频率来看,都居各种气候灾害首位。

    Impact on the scope and frequency of their terms , are home all kinds of weather disasters in the first .

  22. 采用新的二项式平滑曲线分析方法,分析了贵州主要的6种气候灾害1951~1997年近50年的气候变化趋势。

    By using the new binomial curve smoothing technique the variation trend of six climatic calamities in Guizhou between 1951 and 1997 is analysed .

  23. 然而,除了商人组织对市场整合的影响之外,人口压力、运输距离、气候灾害和政府的市场政策等都会影响市场价格变动。

    In addition to merchants ' influence , population pressure , shipment distance , climate disasters , and government policy may be the factors influencing market price .

  24. 近年来,全球变暖给人类带来了一系列严重后果,比如气候灾害频发、低洼岛国将要被淹没。

    In recent years , global warming has brought a series of serious consequences to humans , such as frequent climate disasters , low-lying islands which will be submerged .

  25. 气候灾害不仅影响那些失去家园的人们,也会影响农作物产量,食物价格,保险费率、公共卫生及许多其他问题。

    Climate disasters not only affect those who lose their homes , but also impact crop yields , food prices , insurance rates , public health and many other issues .

  26. 干旱灾害是内蒙古自治区最主要的自然灾害,其影响面积、出现频次、持续时间及危害程度在各类气候灾害中占居第一位。

    Drought disaster is the most important natural disasters in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , and its impact area , frequency , duration and severity is the first of climatic disaster .

  27. 林而达认为,气候灾害和疾病已经成为中国贫困人口致贫、返贫的两大主要原因,而气候变化对生态脆弱地区的影响更不容忽视。

    According to Lin , climate disasters and disease were two major reasons for poverty 's return , with the impact of climatic change in ecologically frail areas only worsening the issue .

  28. 本文从南京暴雨、高温、雾等气象因素变化,阐述南京城市主要气候灾害及其危害影响。

    In this paper , the major urban climatic disasters and their damages are examined based on the variations of such meteorological elements as heavy rain , megatherm , fog , etc , in Nanjing .

  29. 这就意味着无论何种树木,即便是在遭遇极端气候灾害或者虫害的情况下,都至少有部分个体对灾害有抵抗能力。

    That means that for most threatening conditions , for climate , insects , and pests , whatever , there will be at least some individual trees of any given species tree that are resistant .

  30. 通过这两个预测系统的研制使我国对EN-SO事件预测水平有了较大提高,并成功地预测了我国1998&2003年夏季所发生的严重旱涝气候灾害。

    Through the design of these two prediction systems , the prediction level of ENSO events greatly increased , and the severe drought and flood disasters occurred in the summers of 1998-2003 were successfully predicted in China .