
  • 网络cyclonic circulation
  1. 气旋性环流和气旋性涡度在对流层中层的700毫巴附近最强。

    The strongest cyclonic circulation and vorticity are at about 700 mb .

  2. 高原上经常出现超干绝热现象,这将使得高原上的气旋性环流加强幅度比其他情况下更大;

    The superadiabatic state is frequently appears over the plateau , it would be favorable to the development of the cyclonic circulation .

  3. 在南海北部存在一个气旋性环流,这个环流的强度和范围随深度增加而减小。

    There is a cyclonic circulation in the northern part of the SCS , and its strength and scope decrease with the depth increases .

  4. 它形成于对流层低层的冷锋锋区上,其流场的气旋性环流特征和结构在600&900米高度上最明显。

    This cyclonic disturbance occures above the cold front in the lower troposphere and is most evident between 600 m and 900 m surface .

  5. 还测量了各层气旋性环流所占面积随高度的分布,与实况也相似。

    The areal distribution of the cyclonic circulation with height of the experimental storms has also been measured , also agreeing quite well with the observed ones .

  6. 在赤道附近存在一个异常的反气旋性环流,赤道缓冲带较强,有利于赤道高压的活跃,季风槽被推向较高纬度,从而有利于热带气旋的生成。

    The equatorial buffer zone is fortified : it is propitious to the equatorial anticyclones activated and push monsoon trough to higher latitude , this circulation pattern can promote the genesis of TC in NWP .

  7. 低层的气旋性环流和高层的反气旋性环流相配合,有利于形成低层辐合,高层辐散,使得气旋附近的上升气流得以维持和加强,从而为对流性降水提供了必要条件。

    Low-level cyclone circulation with high-level anti cyclone circulation , is helpful to form low-level convergence and high-level divergence , and make the rising airflow nearby cyclone keep and strengthen so that have offered necessity condition for convection precipitation .

  8. 整个过程中主要有三个强对流云团活动,地面对应有3个中-β尺度雨团产生,雨团一般出现在中尺度辐合线或中尺度气旋性环流偏向暖湿气流一侧;

    There are three severe convective cloud clusters and three meso - β rain clusters during the heavy rainfall , and the rain clusters appeared on the mesoscale convergence line or the warm and moisture side of the mesoscale low .

  9. 极涡是北极中上层对流层和平流层大气的持续性大尺度气旋性环流,它的活动和变化控制着泛极地半永久性活动中心和副极地短时间尺度的气旋活动。

    The Arctic vortex is a persistent large-scale cyclonic circulation pattern in the middle and upper troposphere and the stratosphere . Its activity and variability are related to the semi-permanent active centers and the cyclone activity with the short-time scale in the pan-Arctic .

  10. 就亚太地区而言,在ELNino位相,东亚大槽减弱,热带西太平洋为反气旋性异常环流控制;东太平洋-北美地区PNA遥相关型发展。在LaNina位相情况相反。

    As for the Asia-Pacific region , the East Asia is weaker , an anticyclone hovers over the West tropical Pacific , and the PNA teleconnection develops over East Pacific-North America in El Nino phase ; and opposite in La Nina phase .

  11. 与此同时,中国南海及西太平洋的热带地区也出现了反气旋性异常环流,并与日本地区的气旋性异常环流相连。

    At the same time , an anomalous anticyclone over the tropical region from South China Sea to the western Pacific also appears to match with the anomalous cyclone near Japan .

  12. 通过对等熵面的位涡分析,发现了对流层中低层的位涡场,在气旋上方有一个相对高位涡中心,由此使得气旋在一个比较深厚的气旋性环流中发展;

    Through analysis of potential vorticity in equity-entropy surface field , a relatively high potential vorticity center in cyclone top in low-troposphere have discovered , and make cyclone develop in a more deep cyclone circulation by this ;