
zì zhì xiàn
  • autonomous county
自治县 [zì zhì xiàn]
  • [autonomous county] 政行地位与一般县政府平齐的民族自治区划

  • 青海互助土族自治县

  1. 基于GIS的喀斯特土地退化灾害风险评价&以广西都安瑶族自治县为例

    GIS-based risk evaluation of karst land degradation disaster : a case of Du'an Yao Autonomous County

  2. 基于RS和GIS的喀斯特石漠化驱动机制分析&以广西都安瑶族自治县为例

    Diving Mechanism Diagnosis of Karst Rocky Desertification in Du'an Yao Autonomous County of Guangxi based on RS and GIS

  3. BuddhaSteel真正的营运资产属于一家中国公司–大厂回族自治县宝生钢铁制品有限公司–所有。

    The actual operating assets of Buddha Steel , however , were in a Chinese company , Baosheng Steel .

  4. 新疆巴里坤哈萨克自治县布鲁氏菌病达标后十年动态分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Brucellosis Status in Barkol in a 10-Year Surveillance

  5. 广西三江侗族自治县侗族体质调查

    Physical anthropology on Dong Nationality in Sanjiang Autonomous County , Guangxi

  6. 浅析岫岩满族自治县菱镁资源开发利用

    Exploitation & utilization of magnesite resource in Xiuyan Manchu Autonomous County

  7. 墨江县是目前全国惟一的哈尼族自治县。

    Mojiang County is the only Hani Autonomous County in China .

  8. 遗留在辽宁岫岩满族自治县的满语言与文化

    On the Manchu Language and Culture in Xiuyan Manchu Autonomous County

  9. 湖南通道侗族自治县木本植物区系研究

    The Research on Woody Flora of Tongdao County , Hunan

  10. 都安瑶族自治县下坳乡下坳村壮语濒危现象探析

    Zhuang Languages Endangered Situation of the Xia'ao Village Du'an Yao Autonomous County

  11. 东乡族自治县地方课程目标初探

    First Exploration on the Local Course Target in Dongxiang Nationality Autonomous County

  12. 漾濞彝族自治县23年脊灰免疫策略及措施分析

    The Strategic and Precautionary Analysis on Poliomyelitis in Yangbi Yi Autonomous County

  13. 广西大化瑶族自治县反贫困对策研究

    Research on Anti-Poverty Strategy of the Dahua Yao Autonomous County of Guangxi

  14. 县域旅游资源开发价值评价实证研究&以广西龙胜各族自治县为实证

    Empirical research on appraisal of value of tourism resource development

  15. 广西罗城仫佬族自治县已婚妇女疾病普查分析

    Survey of incidence of diseases among married women in Luocheng Mulam Ethnic County

  16. 三江侗族自治县茶叶产业发展现状与对策

    Current status and strategies of tea industry development in Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County

  17. 自治县的县长一般都是少数民族同胞。

    The head of an autonomous county is normally someone of minority nationality .

  18. 通道侗族自治县旅游业发展的区域协作问题思考

    Research on Region 's Cooperation of Tongdao Autonomous County

  19. 新疆察布查尔锡伯自治县锡伯族学校的双语教育

    Bilingual Education in Xibe Nationality Schools of Qapqal Xibe Autonomous County in Xinjiang

  20. 2007年平阴县部分小学生营养状况调查前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县

    Investigation on Nutritional Status among Primary School Students in Pingyin County in 2007

  21. 关岭自治县花江石漠化的成因及防治措施

    Causes and control measures of rocky desertification in Guanling County of Guizhou Province

  22. 察布查尔锡伯族自治县体育产业发展缓慢。

    Qapqal Xibe Autonomous County of the slow development of the sports industry .

  23. 广西金秀瑶族自治县旅游形象塑造研究

    A Study into the Tourism Image-building of Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County in Guangxi

  24. 酉阳土家族苗族自治县初中化学课程资源开发研究

    The Development of Chemical Curriculum Resource in Junior High School in Youyang County

  25. 结果本次共抽样调查16个区县(自治县、市),48个调查点,30281人。

    Results 16 counties , 48 points , 30 281 people were investigated .

  26. 城步苗族自治县民间利用植物调查

    Plants In Use In Chengbu Miao Nationality Autonomous County

  27. 湖南省通道侗族自治县森林植物区系及植被研究

    A study of forest flora and vegetation in Tongdao Dong Autonomous County , Hunan

  28. 麻阳苗族自治县土地利用与生态环境建设研究

    A Study on Land Use and Ecologic Environment Construction in Mayang Miao Autonomous County

  29. 连南瑶族自治县旅游开发整体策划

    The Systemic Strategy on the Tourism Development of Liannan Autonomous County of Yao Nationality

  30. 海南琼中黎族苗族自治县生态型高新农业调查报告

    Ecological High-tech Agricultural Development in Qiongzhong , Hainan