
zì zhuàn zhóu
  • rotation axis;axis of rotation
自转轴[zì zhuàn zhóu]
  1. 小行星433号自转轴在空间的运动

    The motion of eros 's rotation axis in space

  2. 它的自转轴与磁轴之间的夹角称为磁倾角α。

    The angle between the rotation axis and magnetic axis is defined as inclination angle α .

  3. 地球的自转轴是一条贯穿北极和南极的假想轴。

    The axis of the earth is an imaginary line through the north pole and the South pole .

  4. 根据上海天文台1.56米望远镜提供的HaleBopp彗星近核观测资料,利用两种不同的方法对该彗星的自转轴指向进行了测定。

    With the observed images provided by the 1.56m telescope of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory , two independent methods are used to orient the spin axis of comet Hale Bopp . The two sets of results thus obtained coincide with each other . The R.

  5. 由于目前尚无法获得火星自转轴岁差的精确值,因此难以如同地球或月球那样导出火星的平均惯量矩系数I/MR2值。

    Because the exact value of the Martian axial precession is presently unknown , the mean moment-of-inertia ratio , I / MR2 , of Mars cannot be derived as it is for the Earth or the Moon .

  6. 行星在围绕太阳旋转的同时,也绕着它们的自转轴自转。

    Planets revolve about the sun and rotate on their axis .

  7. 地球绕它的自转轴一天旋转一周。

    The earth rotates once a day on its axis .

  8. 它是由主转轴、自转轴及带有自转孔的一组圆盘、组成。

    The two circular discs are fixedly connected by the main rotary shaft .

  9. 磁场偶极部分通常相当紧密地与地球自转轴排列在一起;

    The dipole part of the field is usually aligned fairly closely with the Earth 's rotation axis ;

  10. 悬挂轴和自转轴间的不垂直度将引起产生漂移作用在框架上的力矩。

    Lack of orthogonality between a suspension ( or centering ) axis and the spin axis will then result in a drift-producing torque exerted on the gimbal .

  11. 结果表明,历来在小行星光变理论研究中认为自转轴在空间指向不变的基本假设是不尽合理的。

    It turns out that it is irrational for the basic assumption that the direction of the rotation axis in space is unchanging , as appeared in previous research work on the light variation of asteroids .

  12. 当地球自转时,自转轴会像陀螺一样「动」因此北半球与太阳的距离会逐渐接近,继而远离。

    As the earth spins on its rotation axis , it wobbles like a top , slowly swinging the Northern Hemisphere closer to and then farther from the sun .