
  • 网络geomagnetic reversal;magnetic reversal
  1. 地球上最后一次地磁倒转大约是78万年前。

    The last geomagnetic reversal for Earth was about 780,000 years ago .

  2. 你要好好地前前后后想一想不要感情用事!地球上最后一次地磁倒转大约是78万年前。

    Take your time and think carefully & don 't get carried away ! The last geomagnetic reversal for Earth was about 780,000 years ago .

  3. 除了有一些以数学模型来证实的理论以外,我们的确不知道地磁倒转的原因。

    We don 't really know why but we have some theories that are being borne out in mathematical models .

  4. 地球L地磁历史性的倒转似乎是每几十万年一次,但它的变化范围很大;

    The historic reversal rate for Earth seems to be once every few hundred thousand years , but it has varied widely ;