
dì xià zī yuán
  • underground resources;hidden resources
  1. 水力压裂技术在地下资源开采中的应用

    Application of Hydraulic Fracture Technology in Exploiting Underground Resources

  2. 上海地区地下资源和地质环境概论

    An introduction to the underground resources and the geological environment of Shanghai area

  3. 天然二氧化碳气藏是一种地下资源。

    Natural carbon dioxide gas pool is a kind of subsurface resources .

  4. 采空区是地下资源安全开采面临的最主要灾源之一。

    Goaf is one of the main hazard sources faced by underground resource mining .

  5. 地下资源安全开采深度的研究

    Research on Safety Exploiting Depth of Underground Resources

  6. 但如果市场处于饱和状态,那么地下资源的价值就有限了。

    But resources in the ground are of limited value if the market is saturated .

  7. 我们不拿它来冒险,而是让它像涓涓细流慢慢地流淌,仿若地下资源。

    Not risking a thing yet staying alive as a sweet trickle , an underground resource .

  8. 如果地下资源确如声称的那样丰富,外国人很可能无论如何都会来的。

    If the riches in the ground are as claimed , foreigners will probably come anyway .

  9. 对地下资源产权的探讨

    On Ownership of Underground Resources

  10. 他表示:“地下资源仍在那里;问题出现在地上。”

    He said : " the underground resource is still there ; the problem is above ground . "

  11. 水文地质学家试过搞清楚,我们能从地下资源中取出多少水?

    So , hydrogeologists have tried to figure out ... how much water can you take out from underground sources ?

  12. 文县山谷迭宕、江河纵横、森林繁茂、物产丰饶,地上地下资源十分丰富。

    Valley County repeated , vertical and horizontal rivers , lush forests , rich products , the ground is rich in underground resources .

  13. 深部大陆钻探用钻机顶驱液压系统设计与研究深部钻探是揭开地壳演化奥妙、寻找地下资源、同时减轻灾害保护环境的关键。

    Reveal the deep crustal evolution of the drilling is secret , looking for underground resources , and mitigation of environmental protection key .

  14. 有丰富地下资源的国家开始认识到,如果不同投资者做公平互利的交易,那些资源将长眠地下。

    Countries with great natural resources in the ground are learning that they will stay there unless investors are given a fair shake .

  15. 辽河三角洲有丰富的地上和地下资源,是农业综合开发和油田建设的重点地区。

    The Liaohe River Delta is one of the main agricultural bases in Liaoning Province , and the third largest oil field in China .

  16. 为此,企业需要一种方便、高效的方式来管理城市宝贵的地下资源&自来水管网。

    So , water enterprises need a set of effective and convenient methods to manage the water supply network which is valuable underground resource in cities .

  17. 随着国家对生产安全的重视,和高速发展经济对矿产资源依赖程度增加,以及矿产资源不可再生的特点,在确保安全的条件下,提高采矿回收率,最大限度地回收地下资源意义显得十分重大。

    It is very important to increase safely recovery rate thinking of a fact that safety is greatly emphasized and national economy increasingly depends on non-renewable mineral resources .

  18. 随着人类不断对地下资源的开采以及对地下空间的利用,岩土工程得到不断发展,地下空间得到不断的开发利用。

    With the exploitation of underground resources and the use of underground space , geotechnical engineering obtain the unceasing development , the underground space development and utilization of constantly .

  19. 这一点至关重要,因为发展战略决不能仅仅建立在地下资源的基础之上,且在年轻人纷纷失业的情况下,也不可能实现可持续发展。

    And this is important because no development strategy can be based only upon what comes out of the ground nor can it be sustained while young people are out of work .

  20. 更重要的是,它还在石油、铁矿石和镍的生产领域,进行了数百亿美元的债权及股权投资,使中国企业获得了大量的地下资源。

    More significant have been tens of billions of dollars of debt and equity investments in oil , iron ore and nickel producers , giving China companies a claim on vast quantities underground .

  21. 在开采煤炭过程中,为了保护巷道和管理采场顶板,常常留下各类煤柱,这些煤柱是造成地下资源损大的主要根源。

    During the coal mining , in order to protect the road and manage the roof , all kinds of coal pillar are always left which are the major source losses of underground resources .

  22. 围绕地下资源的高效勘探开发与可持续利用问题,强调了钻井的重要作用和地位,指出了油气钻井工程中所遇到的主要学术和技术问题;

    On the effective exploration development and sustainable utilization of underground resources , this paper emphasizes the important role and position of drilling , and points out the main academic and technological issues encountered in oil gas drilling engineering .

  23. 为什么会出现这些问题呢?事实上,深部地下资源的开发过程中,矿岩在受到诸如爆破震动等动载荷作用前,就已经处于很高的静应力场或地应力场中。

    Why do the questions occur ? In fact , during the exploitation of resources in deep , rock is already in the condition of high static stress or ground stress before they are subjected to dynamic stress such as blasting vibration .

  24. 发现四川丘陵县域经济落后的主要原因是耕地与地下资源贫乏,基础设施落后,人口素质、农民组织化程度、工业化和城镇化水平低,第三产业发展滞后,相对政策劣势明显等。

    The main reasons are following : the hilly county area is short of the farmland and underground resources , the poor foundation infrastructure , the low population quality and farmer systematical degree and the industrializing level , the third industry slow development , policies in bad situation .

  25. 为了解决停车难的实际问题,国家大力建设自动化立体车库,充分利用空中和地下资源,减少土地面积的占用,这在一定程度上缓解了停车难的窘境。

    In order to solve the problem of difficult-to-park , our country strives to develop Automatic 3D-Park , making full use of the underground resources and outerspace resources , and reducing the occupied area of land resources , which , in a degree , alleviating the difficult predicament .

  26. 基于GIS的城市地下空间资源调查评估

    GIS-based Investigation and Evaluation of Urban Underground Space Resources

  27. 城市地下空间资源质量模糊综合评估与3D可视化

    Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluation and 3 D Visualization for Resource Quality of Urban Underground Space

  28. 基于GIS的农业地下潜水资源利用的数学建模

    Mathematics modeling of utilization of the agricultural underground latent water resources based on GIS

  29. 四川盆地地下卤水资源储量大,卤水浓度较高,并含有I、Br、K、Li等多种有用组分。

    Sichuan Basin is rich in underground brine resources . The brine is highly concentrated and contains such useful components as I , Br , K , Li , etc.

  30. 结果表明:模糊综合评估和基于Grid+Voxel的基本单元体空间划分能够合理表征地下空间资源质量,是城市地下空间资源质量评估及其3D可视化的一种有效的新方法。

    The results show that fuzzy synthesis evaluation and Grid + Voxel-based cell cube division are reasonable , and is a new effective method for the evaluation and 3D visualization of underground space resource quality .