
zhènɡ zhì dì lǐ
  • Political geography;geopolitics
  1. 三国时期政治地理因素分析

    The analysis of political geographical factors during Three Kingdoms period

  2. 两宋政治地理格局比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Politico-Geographical Patterns in the Northern and Southern Song Dynasties

  3. 英文政治地理书目

    A Bibliography of Political Geography in English

  4. 文章从政治地理角度对美国近年来对非石油战略的转变进行了分析。

    This paper makes analysis on USA 's oil strategy towards Africa from the perspect .

  5. 在政治地理研究中,没有一个领域像地缘政治学那样引起如此多的争论。

    No other field gives rise to as many geopolitical arguments as the field of political geography .

  6. 本文从城市的领域性和空间性探讨香港交通发展的政治地理内涵。

    This paper attempts to analyse the various phases of transportation development in Hong Kong from the perspective of territoriality and spatiality .

  7. 齐鲁经济实力的强大和政治地理形势的重要,使其一直受到历代帝王的重视;

    The powerful economic strength and important political and geographical situation of Qi Lu region had enabled it to draw the attention of emperors in many dynasties .

  8. 其次从政治地理和经济地理的角度回顾了地理学研究边境区及边境合作的历史渊源,现状以及发展趋势。

    The study of border region and CBC is then reviewed in respect of the political geography and the economic geography , and an outline of historical development of the boundary study has been described .

  9. 他研究了国家观念对于中国成为一个现代国家的重要性,成为我国研究近代政治地理的第一批学者。

    He became one of the first scholars for his research about the importance of the concept of country . He thought the concept of country was important for China to become a modern country .

  10. 它改变了当时中国的政治地理格局,造成了清朝统治的严重危机,为农民领袖们实践其革命理想提供了一个现实的政治空间。

    It changed the politico-geographical pattern of China at that time , brought about a serious crisis to the rule of the Qing dynasty , and provided a realistic political space for the peasant leaders to practice their revolutionary ideals .

  11. 最后,国内外的文献中,从政治地理因素对企业扩张行为做出研究较为少见,本文的研究丰富了企业扩张领域的文献,有助于人们从政治的角度去解读企业的扩张行为和动机。

    Lastly , the researches on political geography and firm expansion are rare in both foreign and domestic literature . This paper enriches the literature on firm expansion and helps to interpret firms ' expansion behaviors and motivations from the perspective of politics .

  12. 通过对北京城市发展历史的分析,可看到北京城市发展的优势在于其独特的空间区位优势,且自然地理和人文地理结构上的过渡性以及政治地理位置的重要性,是北京城市空间的主要特征。

    Through analysis Beijing City 's superiority and inferiority in her development period , some viewpoints are extracted . The spatial location is the key superiority of Beijing City 's development , those principal traits are transition on structures of physical and human geography and important site of political geography .

  13. 第二章介绍了Z村的一些政治、地理、文化、经济的情况。

    The second chapter describes some of the political , geographical , cultural and economic circumstances Z village .

  14. 成都一家人工智能公司的CEO林辉表示,这个机器人将参加高考的数学、语文和文科综合(包括历史、政治、地理)共三场考试。

    The robot will sit three exams , namely math , Chinese and a comprehensive test of liberal arts , which includes history , politics and geography , said Lin Hui , CEO of an artificial intelligence company in Chengdu .

  15. 阿富汗政治军事地理透视

    The perspective of political and military geography of Afghanistan

  16. 费城是美国殖民地的社会、政治以及地理中心。

    Philadelphia became the social , political and geographical center of the American colonies .

  17. 他们学习语言、历史、政治、地理、物理、化学和数学。

    They learn languages , history , politics geography , physics , chemistry and mathematics .

  18. 政治寓于地理之中。

    Politics lies within in the geography .

  19. 地缘政治采用地理分析的方法研究政治力量之间的权力关系,直接为国家政策服务。

    Geopolitics focuses on the relations among political powers by geography method , serving for the government policy directly .

  20. 他的目标与俄罗斯的政治和地理政治目标相冲突,这是不可否认的。莫斯科和基辅在对30年代苏联集体化时期饥荒的历史评断有所争议。

    that his goal contradicted the political and geopolitical aims of the Russian state is something , which cannot be denied .

  21. 之所以出现此种情况,是由当时地的经济、政治、地理环境、民族、社会文化等因素综合作用的结果。

    The reasons of that were the comprehensive effects of economic , politics , geography environment , nation and social culture .

  22. 宋代福建经济文化的发展,并不是偶然的,而是得益于其在政治和地理位置上的优势。

    Economic and cultural development in Fujian in the Song Dynasty , is not accidental , but due to its political and geographical advantages .

  23. 田同其他十多岁的考生们一起完成了语文、数学、政治、地理、历史的考试。

    Tian finished Chinese , math , politics , history and geography along with other test takers , most of whom were in their teens .

  24. 然后,列举出已有的从历史、政治、地理、法律和国际关系等方面对南海争端进行过的研究。

    Then it comes to analyze the past and present study of this dispute from the historical , political , geographical , law and international relationship aspects .

  25. 20世纪30年代,基于政治、地理及经济等因素,加之世界经济危机风暴的冲击,粤港两地走私现象日趋猖獗。

    In the 1930s , as a result of political , geographical and economic factors , accompanied by the shock of world-wide economic crisis , smuggling between Guangdong and Hongkong became increasingly rampant .

  26. 本文从政治军事地理角度对这一问题进行了初步研究,供关心西北太平洋地区局势的同仁参考。

    This paper makes a initial study on the problem from the angle of the political and military geography . Providing a reference to all friends caring about the situation in Northwestern pacific .

  27. 第三步,确定研究所需的五种参数,即政治经济地理参数、自然参数、社会经济参数、勘查技术经济参数和开发经营参数;

    Third determine five parameters needed by study , that is political econmic and geographic parameters , natural parameter , social and economical parameters , prospecting technical and economical parameter , and exploiting management parameters ;

  28. 他们询问受访者是否熟悉物理、生物、政治以及地理领域的某些概念,结果显示,相当一部分认为自己熟悉这些真实存在的概念,例如,向心力、光子。

    They ask survey respondents if they are familiar with certain technical concepts from physics , biology , politics , and geography . A fair number claim familiarity with genuine terms like centripetal force and photon .

  29. 美国招生咨询公司拉法洛-诺埃尔-勒维茨公司的国际招生专家亚力杭德拉·索莎·诺埃尔说,这一变化是政治、地理和品牌推广等多种因素造成的。

    The shift is due to a combination of politics , geography and branding , said Alejandra Sosa Pieroni , an international recruitment expert with Ruffalo Noel Levitz , a company that consults with colleges to improve enrollment .

  30. 中医药是我国独具特色的、优秀的历史文化传统,在过去很长的时间里,由于政治、地理、文化等诸多原因,中医药文化几乎不被西方世界所认知。

    Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) is the unique and excellent culture , and the tradition of our country . In the past long time , for the reasons of politics , geography and culture etc. , it was hardly acknowledged by the western world .