
  • 网络the political system;Politics;polity
  1. 很多人都期望他能使该国萎靡的政治体系振作起来。

    Many hoped he would renew the country 's atrophied political system .

  2. 人们认为意大利的政治体系几十年来一直存在着严重危机。

    The Italian political system has been judged to be in terminal crisis for decades .

  3. 为了生存,宗教必须同其赖以存在的更大的政治体系相调和。

    Religions , to survive , must make accommodations with the larger political structures that nurture them .

  4. 世界政治体系正处于混乱状态。

    The world political system is advancing towards disorder .

  5. 在应对气候变化方面,这种简单的心理正吸引着整个政治体系的注意。

    The power of such simple psychology in fighting climate change is attracting attention across the political establishment .

  6. 建立在自由平等观念基础上的政治体系

    a political system based on the notions of equality and liberty

  7. 英国在欧盟的谈判代表来自伦敦那种潘趣和朱迪(punchandjudy)式的政治体系,无法适应缓慢的共识建构过程。

    UK negotiators in the EU , coming from the punch-and-judy politics of London , cannot adapt to slow consensus-building .

  8. 实证合法性是指人们对政治体系的实际认可,它采取了从经验研究出发的路径。

    Empirical legitimacy refers to the actual acceptance of political system .

  9. 然而,关于蒙古的政治体系所知甚少。

    However , little information is available about its political system .

  10. 客观地说,每一个人都必须承认,现在的政治体系失败了。

    Anybody objectively must accept that the political system has failed .

  11. 战后成功的政治体系必将建立在相互博弈的基础之上。

    A successful post-war political system will be based on competition .

  12. 或者是困扰我们政治体系的分裂和失调。

    Or the divisions and dysfunction that plague our political system .

  13. 政治体系也门是采用两院制立法机构的共和国。

    Political System Yemen is a republic with a bicameral legislature .

  14. 从边缘政治体系向中心政治体系之演进&当代中国政治体系构建的理论基础分析

    From the Peripheral Political System to the Central Political System

  15. 但希腊政治体系的混乱局面终将消退。

    But the chaos in the Greek political system will eventually subside .

  16. 他们控制人口的方法反映了两国不同的社会和政治体系。

    Their methods to control population reflect different societies and political systems .

  17. 如同任何政治体系,它也有不足之处。

    Like any political system , it has its shortcomings .

  18. 第五章主要归纳了这一时期河北路在北宋政治体系下的特点。

    The fifth chapter summarizes this period Hebei in political system characteristics .

  19. 法律制度和法律思想幸免于政治体系。

    Legal institutions and legal thought survive political systems .

  20. 印度政治体系似乎运转不畅,经济改革进程也陷入停滞。

    The political system seemed paralysed and the economic reform process had stalled .

  21. 对于法国政治体系而言,这次审判的意义却不那么美好。

    The outcome of the trial is less flattering for the political system .

  22. 利比亚的政治体系相当的与众不同。

    The Libyan system of government is quite unusual .

  23. 任何一种社会政治体系都有它的意识形态。

    Any social political system has its own ideology .

  24. 改变地方政府职能是我国政治体系体例改造的主要组成部门。

    The Local authority function must transform along with the economic society environment change .

  25. 社会运动是多元化政治体系的民众利益表达方式之一。

    In a multi-entity political system social movement is an _expression of mass interest .

  26. 简·奥斯丁从未对她所处时代的严格的社会等级和专制的政治体系提出过质疑。

    Jane Austen never questions the rigid social and political system of her times .

  27. 经济体制与政治体系间的不协调

    Disaccord between the economic system and political system

  28. 与此同时,旧的地缘政治体系显然需要实质性改革。

    At the same time , the old geopolitical system evidently needs substantial reform .

  29. 论西方政治体系的设计技术

    Designing Technology of Political System in the West

  30. 政治体系的运行、变迁与政治社会化的关系;

    The relationship between the development and changes of political system and politics socialization ;