
  • 网络Government Office
  1. 他又回到了他政府办公室的桌旁。

    He was back at his desk in his government office .

  2. 不,我在政府办公室工作。

    I work in a government office .

  3. 在英国,新的研究正在进行,社会科学家经常出现在英国政府办公室。

    In the UK , new studies are in development and social scientists are regularly spotted in British government offices .

  4. 从学校到工厂,从居民区到政府办公室。

    From schools to factories , from residences to government offices .

  5. 记者多次致电昆明的政府办公室,但无人应答。

    Repeated phone calls to government offices in Kunming rang unanswered .

  6. 人们曾经涌到政府办公室试图取得身份证明。

    People have been crowding government offices to try to get one .

  7. 该信件和名单被送到全州的媒体和政府办公室。

    It was sent to media and government offices across the state .

  8. 该举措包括将政府办公室迁至新城。

    That effort has involved moving government offices into the new city .

  9. 我们在面对着政府办公室的大楼里。

    We 're in the building opposite = facing the government offices .

  10. 阿拉斯加瓦西拉市市长萨拉·佩林打算进军州政府办公室。

    Wasilla , Alaska , Mayor Sarah Palin considered running for state-wide office .

  11. 决策地点有叫候远离政府办公室。

    The locus of decision making is sometimes far from the government 's offices .

  12. 官员们已经下令所有政府办公室关闭。

    Officials have ordered all federal offices closed .

  13. 有许多材料在下周要送到政府办公室去。(该句不定式被动语气,强调动作被别人做)

    There were lots of materials to be sent to the government office next week .

  14. 他们俩展开决斗,把政府办公室变成光剑格斗场。

    The two dueled , transforming the office of politics into an arena of lightsaber combat .

  15. 他是政府办公室的一名会计,住在加尔各答市郊。

    He was an accountant in a government office and lived in a suburb of Calcutta .

  16. 记者未能联系到他置评,打到贵溪市政府办公室的电话也无人接听。

    He could not be reached and phone calls to the Guixi government offices rang unanswered .

  17. 他们要选举的是国会代表及当地或者州政府办公室工作人员。

    They are choosing their representatives in Congress as well as many local and state offices .

  18. 政府办公室是政府的首要组成部门,是为政府管理工作提供服务的服务型机关。

    Government office is a primary department of the government and a service-oriented agency for government administration .

  19. 银行、州政府办公室、邮局和联邦机构都会放假。

    It is generally observed by banks , state government offices , the Postal Service and federal agencies .

  20. 星期四打向负责应对媒体询问的深圳政府办公室和地方办公室的电话也无人接听。

    Calls to the Shenzhen government office and provincial office in charge of handling media inquiries went unanswered Thursday morning .

  21. 在都柏林中心区周围的商店和政府办公室并没有迎来像往年一样的新年气氛。

    In the centre of Dublin , around the shops and government offices , this is no ordinary festive period .

  22. 虽然枪战在斯拉夫扬斯克市爆发,但是示威者占领了乌克兰其他东部城市的政府办公室。

    Even if the gunbattle played out in Slavyanka , protesters took over government offices in other eastern Ukrainian cities .

  23. 一些埃及人袭击并放火烧了与开罗一河(尼罗河)之隔的吉莎的两间政府办公室。

    Some Egyptians raided and set fire to two government offices in Giza , a city across the Nile River from Cairo .

  24. “我们必须完全检查危险控制措施在总理办公室,而且其他政府办公室”。

    We must thoroughly check risk control measures not only at the Prime Minister 's Office but other government offices as well .

  25. 事实是,华盛顿面临的障碍远比东京政府办公室内的一小撮政治掮客难对付得多。

    The fact is that Washington faces an obstacle far more formidable than a few power brokers in Tokyo 's government offices .

  26. 他说:摸熟政界门路的最佳途径是给市政府办公室的一名候选人当义工,从发竞选传单到安排群众政治大会这一切工作你都得做。

    1 : The best way to learn the ropes about politics is to do volunteer work for a candidate for city office .

  27. 中国媒体确认这名官员名叫王军华,是贵溪市政府办公室副主任。

    Chinese media identified the man as Wang Junhua , the vice director of an unspecified government office in the city of Guixi .

  28. 会议管理是区政府办公室以及会议管理和组织的重要环节。

    Conference management is one of the most important parts in the process of local council government office conference and conference rooms ' management .

  29. 除此之外,那里有国际银行,政府办公室,运输公司,餐厅和进出口买卖等在双塔内。

    Besides , there are international banks , government offices , transportation companies , restaurants and import and export businesses inside the twin towers .

  30. 混凝土墙和警察已经阻止抗议者们涌入街道阻碍政府办公室和附近的美国大使馆。

    Concrete walls and police have capped protesters in , preventing them from entering streets leading to government offices and the nearby American embassy .