- 网络accretion

[accretion] 指星际物质互相吸引、积成一团的现象
Wind Accretion of the System of the Ba Star and the Contamination Factor
The wind accretion of the system ■ Cap & the model with conservation of orbital angular momentum
The Accretion Torque Theory of X ~ Ray Pulsars
X-Ray Pulsars with Disk in Wind-Fed Case
Reexamination of the Wind Accretion Scenario for Ba Stars
Based on this suggestion we discuss the interaction of disk and spherical accretion streams for X-ray pulsars with early-type companions .
The high emissivity indexes of accretion disk radiation in MC process are calculated .
A Type1a supernova caused by accreting material produces significant X-ray emission prior to the explosion .
X-ray observations of iron in the accretion disks may actually be showing the effects of such a massive black hole as well .
The temperature profile of accretion disk around the Kerr black hole
A supernova from a merger of two white dwarfs , on the other hand , would create significantly less X-ray emission than the accretion scenario .
The scientists found the observed X-ray emission was a factor of30 to50 times smaller than expected from the accretion scenario , effectively ruling it out .
Taking account of δ r ≠ 0 , through the equation of conservation of orbital angular momentum , orbital parameters equations on the mass change are re-deduced .
Part of the difficulty is a process called photoionization , in which the high-energy photons conveying the x-rays strip away electrons from atoms within the accretion disk .
On the accretion disk in AB Draconis
The variation of pulse period of a X-ray pulsar and K-H instability at the boundary of the accretion disk
Conservation of angular momentum for the wind accretion of extrinsic AGB stars
Extrinsic AGB Stars on Wind Accretion Binary Evolution Model
Entropy Change of Central Black Holes of Accretion Disks and B Z Process
That turned the pellet into " a source of [ immensely powerful ] x-rays similar to those from an accretion disk around a black hole ," says physicist and lead author Shinsuke Fujioka .
Gravitational energy is the energy source of many astrophysical systems in the universe , such as quasar and X-ray binaries , etc , and accretion is an effective mechanism of releasing gravitational energy .
The structure of protosolar accretion disk during viscous diffusion stage is calculated . Viscous forces and Brownian diffusion forces are considered .
Mass Accretion Parametric Model of Extrinsic AGB Stars
These spectroscopic detections have opened new frontiers of investigation into the accretion physics in the stellar envelope , angular momentum ' transfer and CV evolution .
A carbon-oxygen white dwarf may explode as Type Ia supernova by accreting matter from its company via either Roche lobe overflow or wind .
Based on these two kinds of model , we investigate the effects of magnetic field on neutrino-dominated accretion disk , and we also suggest a possible mechanism for X-ray flares which were observed in GRBs afterglows .
The characteristics of inner disk region may probably be understood better if we use the methods of QPOs and Fe Ka lines together .
The basic evolution equations of black hole accretion disks are used to derive the evolution characters of horizon radius r H of black hole surrounded by thin the thick disks respectively .
In this thesis , we study the relation between the critical accretion rate and the metallicity via AGB stars approach .
My group and others are trying to figure out how MRI works in hot , opaque accretion disks around black holes . The model comprising accretion onto a neutron star or black hole companion must still be considered a favored hypothesis .