
zì lǜ xìnɡ
  • Self-discipline;automaticity;autonomy
  1. 近年对心电R-R间期的不规则微小变化(简称心率变异性,或HRV)的研究,着重在于观察自主神经系统对窦房结自律性的调控作用。

    The current studies of small irregular changes of R-to-R interval , named heart rate variability ( HRV ), are focused on observing the influence of autonomic tones on the sinus nodal autonomy .

  2. 道德具有自律性、他律性、绝对性、相对性及稳定性。

    Morality possesses autonomy , heteronomy , absoluteness , relativity and stability .

  3. 一个男学生或女学生不守时是因为他或她不具备自律性这种必要的人类美德。

    A school boy or girl is unpunctual because he or she does not have the necessary human virtue of self-discipline .

  4. 结果:AP能够显著抑制子宫平滑肌自律性及氯化钾、缩宫素诱导的家兔离体子宫平滑肌收缩反应。

    Results : AP and Ver can inhibit the contractile rhythms of uterus and contraction of isolated uterus of rabbits induced by KCL and oxytocin .

  5. 在肠系膜局部滴入去甲肾上腺素(NA)诱发出微动脉自律性血管收缩舒张运动,TMP可抑制由NA引起的血管运动,并呈量效依赖关系。

    TMP can inhibit the arteriole autorhythmic vasomotion induced by dropping noradrenaline onto the local mesentery in a dose-dependent relationship , and increased the BFR .

  6. 结果提示,运动试验诱发VT的机制,可能是延迟后去极化触发活动和肾上腺素敏感性增高自律性异常。

    Combining with electrophysiological results , we suggest that the mechanism of inducing VT might he due to triggered activity and abnormal automaticity .

  7. 同时应当借鉴美国FCPA的执行机制,加强我国公司的自律性行为规则和内部治理责任。

    Also we should study the FCPA enforcement mechanism , strengthen corporate governance and internal governance responsibility .

  8. 应用常规微电极技术,我们在右心室流出道(RVOT)心肌细胞记录到三种类型的动作电位:自律性慢反应动作电位、非自律性慢反应动作电位和非自律性快反应动作电位。

    Using conventional microelectrode technique , three different AP types in RVOT were recorded : pace-making action potentials ;

  9. 离体实验,发现SPD能抑制豚鼠乳头肌的收缩性,延长功能不应期,降低自律性,而对其兴奋性则无明显影响。

    It inhibited the contractility , prolonged the functional refractory period and decreased the automaticity significantly of the isolated guinea pig papillary muscles , but no significant effect on excitability .

  10. 结论:Mel增强豚鼠乳头状肌收缩性和自律性,缩短不应期,降低兴奋性,缩短APD,减小APA和RP。

    CONCLUSION : Mel increased the contractility and automaticity of papillary muscles , shortened the FRP , decreased the excitability , shortened the APD , and decreased APA and RP of AP .

  11. 有成就的教师个性中存在比一般教师更良好的个性心理特征,如卡特尔16种个性因素中的G(有恒性)、Q3(自律性)较一般教师突出。

    The successful teachers have better personality psychology characteristics than the common ones . For example , G ( Persistence ) and Q 3 ( Self discipline ) of Carter 16 Personality Factors are much more outstanding .

  12. 结论Gen和17β-雌二醇均能降低心肌兴奋性和自律性,但Gen增强其收缩活动,而17β-雌二醇作用相反;

    Conclusions Both genistein and 17 β - estradiol attenuate excitability and automaticity , genistein enhances the contractility of guinea pig papillary muscles , but 17 β - estradiol exerts opposing action .

  13. 目的与方法:采用常规玻璃微电极技术研究丹皮酚对离体心肌细胞自律性(AM)、延迟后除极(DAD)及触发活动(TA)的影响。

    Aim and Methods : Standard microelectrode technique was used to study the effects of paeonal on the automaticity induced by epinephrine , ouabain induced delayed afterdepolarization ( DAD ) and triggered activity ( TA ) of isolated guinea pig right ventricular papillary muscle .

  14. 其中一个例证便是美国联邦商务委员会(FTC)最近还曾在一份报告中赞扬美国游戏厂商是”娱乐行业中最具自律性的厂商团体“。

    In a recent report , the Federal Trade Commission ( FTC ) praised the video game industry for continuing " to have the strongest self-regulatory code " of all the entertainment sectors .

  15. CRF肽类家族主要通过与相应G-蛋白偶联的CRF受体(CRF-R1,CRF-R2)相结合,调节机体内分泌、自律性以及对应急的行为反应等。

    CRF family exert their physiological effects through binding to two G protein-coupled receptors ( CRFR ) 1 and 2 , to modulate endocrine , autonomic , and behavioral responses to stress .

  16. 结论:IL2可直接抑制培养心肌自律性,其对离体心脏的正性变时和致心律失常作用可能由内源性儿茶酚胺介导。

    Conclusion : IL 2 inhibited the autorhythmicity of cultured cardiomyocyte directly while the positive chronotropic and arrhythmogenic effects of IL 2 in the isolated rat heart may be mediated by endogenous catecholamine .

  17. 采用卡特尔编制的16pf问卷作为测量工具,对技工学校学生和普通中学学生进行调查,结果表明:在聪慧性、有恒性和自律性等人格特征上,技工学校学生明显高于普通中学学生;

    By taking cattell16pf questionnaire to test students in technical schools and general senior schools , the author finds that students in technical schools have dramatically higher features of personality , like intelligence , perseverance and self-control , than students in general senior schools .

  18. 豚鼠主动脉前庭组织的自律性研究和形态学观察

    A study of automatic activity and morphology of guinea-pig aortic vestibule

  19. 心房利钠肽对心脏自律性的影响及其作用机理

    Influence of Atrid Natriuretic Peptide on Cardiac Automaticity and Its Mechanism

  20. 新批评自律性文学观源流探

    Origin and Development of Concept of Literary Autonomy in New Criticism

  21. 雷洛昔芬对骨质疏松妇女心脏自律性的影响

    The effect of raloxifene on cardiac autonomic regulation in osteoporotic women

  22. 论当代大学生道德自律性的培养

    On the Cultivation of University Students ' Moral Self - discipline

  23. 增强师范生有恒性与自律性的训练和研究

    Enhancing Training and Research of Teacher-training Students ' Self-discipline and Persistence

  24. 你善于管理时间,自律性很强么?

    Do you have good time management skills , good self-discipline ?

  25. 试论数字图书馆保护版权的自律性措施

    Discussion on the Self-discipline Measures of Protecting Copyright in Digital Library

  26. 豚鼠主动脉前庭组织自律性的电生理学和形态学研究

    Automatic electrophysiological morphological study of guinea & pig aortic vestibule

  27. 现代主义以来的艺术表现强调语言的自律性和自足性。

    Since modernism , the artistic expressions stress on self-discipline and self-satisfaction .

  28. 论商业银行自律性资产负债管理产生的历史必然性

    On the Inevitability of the Commercial Banks ' Self restrained Asset-liability Management

  29. 硝苯地平,硝普钠,酚妥拉明能明显降低自律性频率。

    Nifedipine , nitroprusside-Na and phentolamine significantly decreased the frequency of the autorhythmicity .

  30. NO对兔窦房结自律性的影响

    Effect of no on automaticity of rabbit sino-atrial node