
quán lì yì zhì
  • will to power;will-to-power
  1. 爱情与扩张&浅析尼采的权力意志

    Love and Expansion from " the Will to Power " by Nietzsche

  2. 权力意志作为内在的规定让生存不断地去创造。

    As the inner determination , the will to power makes existence keeping on creating .

  3. 认识的实质是权力意志的工具;

    The essence of knowledge is a tool of power will ;

  4. 它有两种基本类型:原创的权力意志和颓废的权力意志,这一思想鲜明地体现了尼采的哲学&伦理学的价值论特征。

    This theory embodies the axiological characteristics of Nietzsche 's philosophy & ethics .

  5. 德勒兹论权力意志真理与权力&尼采权力意志真理观述评

    Truth and Power & Comment on Nietzsche 's Truth Theory of Power Will

  6. 尼采的“权力意志论”辨析

    A discrimination of nietzsche 's " theory of the will to power "

  7. 尼采美学的核心概念是权力意志。

    The core of Nietzsche 's aesthetics is " the will of power " .

  8. 立法语篇权力意志分析

    Analysis of Power Will of Legal Discourse

  9. 权力意志与学术自由&马克思哲学在东方社会应用的成就与教训

    The Will of Power and Academic Freedom

  10. 假如考虑到这一点,被认为是目标的「权力意志」会正是在倒退。

    Given this , the " will to power " considered as an end is regressive .

  11. 本土意识中的权力意志

    The Will to Power in Nativism

  12. 他的权力意志论、超人理论、价值观等可视为后现代主义思潮的重要来源。

    His power will theory , superman theory and values are the important sources for the post-modernism .

  13. 最后将权力意志论与马斯洛的自我实论作比较分析,特别是比较了超人和自我实现者的概念。

    Maslow . Especially the dissertation compares the " Superman " with the " Self-Actualization Person " .

  14. 英格兰普通法的形成不是任何单一权力意志的安排,而是多元选择的产物。

    The common law of England was formed not by the arrangement of any single power but by multi-choices .

  15. 尼采在权力意志的基础上建立了他的道德观。

    It was on the base of the will of power that Nietzsche built up his view of morality .

  16. 奥尼尔人生哲学的成份构成比较复杂,其中既有古希腊命运观念的影响,又有叔本华悲观主义、尼采权力意志和弗洛伊德精神分析学说等思潮的影响。

    O'Neill 's life philosophy is complicated . It is influenced by pessimism , the will of power and psychoanalysis .

  17. 但悲剧的真正制造者是革命时代的道德与权力意志。

    The real maker of the tragedy was , however , the morality and power will of the revolutionary age .

  18. 他还十分重视尼采的超人哲学与权力意志说。

    In addition , Mao Dun highlighted Nietzsche 's theory of " superman " and " the will of power " .

  19. 尼采把形而上学归结为存在,把存在归结为价值,将价值评估原则归结为权力意志。

    Nietzsche attributed metaphysics to existence , estimate to Value , and rule of value existence to the will to power .

  20. 权力意志是解释性的,而通过解释,无数个外观世界从这个混沌、生成的世界中被透视出来。

    Through the interpretative nature of wills to power , the world is projected out of the chaotic and generating state .

  21. 尼采认为生命就是权力意志,就是一个不断生成的,不断地自己赋予自己意义和价值的权力意志。

    He thinks that life is the power will which generates itself and endows itself with the meaning and value constantly .

  22. 艾德娜:权力意志的忠实代表&重读《觉醒》,解构尼采的女人观

    Edna : typical embodiment of " Will to Power " & Rereading The Awakening and explaining Nietzsche 's opinions of women

  23. 尼采哲学思想的主轴:以权力意志为准则重估一切价值

    The Main Clue of Nietzsche 's Philosophy : Revaluation of All Values Based on the Standard of the Will to Power

  24. 生之残酷:权力意志下的欲与罪&对《雷雨》救赎母题的再思考

    The Cruelty of Life : Desire and Sin under the Will to Power Rethinking on Salvation Motif of " Thunderstorm "

  25. 人类的身体承负着桥梁隐喻,竞技运动的艺术秉性带来权力意志的涌流。

    Human body has a bridge metaphor . The artistic nature of competitive sport brings an eruption of the will to power .

  26. 从艺术家出发,权力意志作为艺术的身体性本源显现出来。

    Third , will to power is the bodily origin of art , since art is the most perspicuous configuration of it .

  27. 战国策派以权力意志为其文艺思想的内核,并由权力意志推演出尚力、尚武的思想主张。

    The school makes " the will of power " as its kernel thought , and deduces its force advocacy and martial idea .

  28. 从选美出发,最后回到了一些经典的传统的命题,例如权力意志,消费,游戏和狂欢。

    From the selecting-beauty , the end-result is some traditional and classical propositions , such as power , consumption , vision , spree .

  29. 现代刑事证据制度体现了国家权力意志,而使其呈现权力本质以及伦理性需求的制度性特征。

    Modern criminal evidence system is characteristic of embodying the states'power so that it is made to express the power'nature and ethic needs .

  30. 法律则是由立法机关制定或认可的,反映统治集团意志并由国家强制力保证实施的行为准则,它本质上是体征化、条文化了的权力意志。

    The enforcement of law is the code of behavior imposed by the state and fundamentally it is the power will incarnate and detailed .