
  • 网络The Three Gorges reservoir;tgr
  1. GPS在三峡水库区云阳县滑坡监测中的应用

    Application of GPS technique for landslide monitoring in Yunyang County of the Three Gorges Reservoir area

  2. 三峡水库成库后水体中COD(Mn)、BOD5空间变化

    Spatial variation of BOD_5 and COD_ ( Mn ) in the Three Gorges Reservoir

  3. Fuzzy坡三峡水库港口岸坡排水方案优化研究

    FUZZY PO Optimization of Port Bank Slope Drainage Technique in Three Gorges Area

  4. 三峡水库对长江N、P营养盐截留效应的模型分析

    Analysis of the Three-Gorge Reservoir Impacts on the Retention of N and P in the Yangtze River

  5. 基于GIS的长江三峡水库诱发地震预测数据库构建

    Visual database for induced earthquake prediction of Yangtze Three-Gorge Reservoir Based on GIS technique

  6. 并考虑三峡水库建成后有不同的调水方案,用得到的BP神经网络模型分别来预报长江口河水日平均氯离子浓度值的变化情况,所得结果供上海有关部门及自来水公司作决策参考。

    The results will be referred to related Shanghai department and water supply corporation for decision - making .

  7. 嘉陵江三江汇合区段的沙量平衡及控制三峡水库泥沙措施探讨在频率域内,变化过程大致可划分为三个区域:I.线性区;

    Sediment balance of Three-river confluent region in the Jialing River and measures to control sediment entering the Three-Gorge Project reservoir linear region ;

  8. 三峡水库135m蓄水过程分析

    Analysis on the impoundment process of Three Gorges Reservoir up to EL.135 m

  9. 本文利用离散单元方法(DEM)分析了三峡水库某公路顺层岩质边坡开挖变形破坏机制及其演变过程,并对工程治理效果进行模拟研究。

    DEM is used to analyze the evolvement course of the excavation deformation of a road bedding lithologic slope in the Three Gorges reservoir region , and to simulate the effect of control project .

  10. 三峡水库135m水位蓄水前后水体中重金属分布变化

    Changes of Heavy Metals Distribution in Water Body of the Three Gorges Reservoir at 135 m Water Level

  11. 2003~2004年间POC通量急剧减少,DOC通量与POC通量的比值迅速增大,可能与三峡水库对颗粒物的拦蓄、改造及富营养化有关。

    In 2003 ~ 2004 years POC fluxes decreased rapidly . The ratio value of DOC and POC fluxes increased rapidly , related possibly with retaining , reforming and eutrophication .

  12. 三峡水库135m水位蓄水典型次级河流回水段富营养化监测评价

    Eutrophic investigation and assessment on backwater reaches of several typical branches of three Gorges Reservoir at 135m water level

  13. 浅谈三峡水库139m水位蓄水

    On the water impoundment at the elevation of 139 m of the Three Gorges Reservoir

  14. 三峡水库135m运行期枯季补偿航运效益分析

    Benefit analysis of discharge compensation for navigation during dry season when Three Gorges Reservoir is operated in 135 m water level

  15. 三峡水库于2003年6月蓄水,坝前水位保持在135m。

    The Three Gorges Reservoir started water storage in June 2003 , and water level of the dam fluctuated around 135 meters .

  16. 斜坡下部位于长江三峡水库水位变动带,预测坍岸宽度可达190~300m。

    The lower part of the slope locates in water level change belt of the yangtze river Three Gorges reservoir ; predicted width of bank caving will be up to 190 m ~ 300 m.

  17. 三峡水库135m蓄水后,库区内的大小河流水文情况发生了根本的转变。

    After the 135-m water storage , drastic changes have been made to hydrological situation of every branch river in the Reservoirs Area .

  18. 以三峡水库围堰发电期为背景,建立优化动态汛限水位的数学模型,通过MonteCarlo试验得到了求解该模型的近似条件,最后利用多维决策变量多目标动态规划方法来求解。

    Based on generate electricity time of Three Gorges reservoir , the paper found math model of optimize dynamic water level , get across Monte Carlo test , the paper gained near condition of this model , finally , using decision variable more goals dynamic programming means .

  19. 以三峡水库为实例,阐述了河湖指数(RLI)的构建形式、计算步骤,指标的取舍和使用方法。

    The Three Gorges Reservoir is used as an example to show the frame form of RLI , computation steps , choice of indicators and application methods .

  20. 三峡水库175m蓄水以后,水流速度减缓,水体的稀释能力将显著下降。

    After water storing of Three Gorges Reservoir with 175 m , the water flow will slow down , and the dilution capacity of water will be decreased significantly .

  21. 2003年6~12月三峡水库成库后,在三峡水库设置6个水平监测断面和2个垂直断面,每月对营养盐(NH3-N,NO2-N,NO3-N,TN,TP)进行浓度监测。

    The concentration of NH_3-N , NO_2-N , NO_3-N , TN and TP were determined every month during June to December in 2003.Six horizontal monitoring sites and two vertical sites were set in Three Gorges reservoir .

  22. 滑坡分布特征揭示地层是控制三峡水库区中前段滑坡发育的最重要的地质环境因素。提出易滑指数ES和区域易滑指数RES概念,以此说明区内各地层易于发育滑坡的程度及其分布比例。

    The study revealed that the lithology layer is the most important factor of geological environment for controlling landslide distribution , and " Easy Sliding " index-ES and " Regional Easy Sliding " index-RES are proposed to illustrate the capacity of landslide development in each litho logic layer .

  23. 三峡水库139m蓄水后排污口污染带特性分析&以云阳污水处理厂为例

    Characteristics of contamination zone around discharge outlet after water storage of Three Gorges Reservoir at water level of 139m : A case study on Yunyang sewage treatment plant

  24. 2003年10月,国务院批准三峡水库枯水期蓄水至139m水位。

    On Oct. 2003 , the State Council approved of storing water to the elevation of 139 m in the Three Gorges Reservoir during the low water period .

  25. 三峡水库于2006年10月底蓄水至156m水位,标志着三峡工程顺利进入初期试运行阶段。

    The water level of Three Gorges Reservoir moved up to 156m at the end of October 2006 , representing Three Gorges Project had begun its primary operation period .

  26. NO3-N浓度范围在1.19~1.42mg/L;三峡水库香溪河库湾富营养化及春季水华研究

    However , high chlorophyll a concentrations in the Daning River , ranged from 7.53 to 27.3 mg / m3 , exceeded the limit for eutrophication . Studies on the Eutrophication and the Spring Phytoplankton Bloom in Xiangxi Bay of Three-Gorge Reservoir

  27. 在三峡水库正常运行后,若持续降雨,水位从175.10m降至156.0m时,通过稳定性计算表明,滑坡即将失稳。滑坡的稳定性与三峡水库蓄水在14天水位由175.10m回落至156.0m运作密切相关。

    Through stability analysis , the landslide would slide if the water level dropped down from 175.10m to 156.0m and it rained successively after the Three Gorges Reservoir work .

  28. 三峡水库135m蓄水是逐步发挥三峡工程综合效益,保证三期工程顺利施工的关键。

    The water impoundment of Three Gorges Reservoir up to EL . 135 m is the key to give play to the comprehensive benefits of the Project and to guarantee the smooth construction of the third-phase works of the Three Gorges Project .

  29. 当三峡水库蓄水至175m时,填筑体绝大部分处于库水位以下,设计中必须考虑填方体的整体稳定性和湿化变形引起高填方不均匀沉降对直径为70m的氧化沟的不利影响。

    When the TGP 's water level arrives at 175m , the most part of the high fill will be submerged , it is necessary for designer to consider the overall stability , the differential settlement and the slaking deformation of the high fill due to wetting .

  30. 在三峡水库二期蓄水后,135m水位线下的支流尽管多数仍保持狭长的河流态势,但回水段的流速明显降低,成为名副其实的人工湖泊,适合藻类生长。

    Though the tributaries under 135 m lever maintained slim flow pattern after second water storage in the Three Gorges Reservoir , the speed in the backwater reach reduced obviously , so it became the lake which was suitable for growth of algae .