
  • Samsung Electronics;Samsung Electronics Co.;Feel the new space
  1. 三星电子(SamsungElectronics)在相机领域的追求远未止步。

    Samsung Electronics ' camera ambitions are far from over .

  2. 三星电子(SamsungElectronics)在创新方面比不上苹果(Apple),但一直紧跟它的步调。

    Samsung Electronics has notmatched Apple in innovation but has remained closely in step .

  3. 三星电子(SamsungElectronics)的Galaxy智能手机和平板电脑上就采用了这种面板。

    They feature on Samsung Electronics " Galaxy smartphones and tablets .

  4. 三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)的平板发货量虽然有所增加,但增幅也仅为2%。

    Samsung Electronics Co. ( SSNLF ) only posted a 2 % increase .

  5. 该中心将是三星电子英国研究院(SamsungElectronicsRDInstituteUK)的分支。

    The center will be a branch of the Samsung Electronics RD Institute UK .

  6. 该中心将是三星电子英国研究院(SamsungElectronicsR&DInstituteUK)的分支。

    The center will be a branch of the Samsung Electronics R & D Institute UK .

  7. 自2009年起担任三星电子CE。当时,三星与苹果(Apple)的麻烦刚刚开始。

    CE f Samsung Electrnics since 2009 , when the trubles with Apple ( AAPL ) began .

  8. 三星电子(samsungelectronics)还在不断刷新着纪录。

    The records keep tumbling for Samsung Electronics .

  9. 三星电子(SamsungElectronics)正是最近这么做的企业之一。

    Samsung Electronics is one of the latest .

  10. 但偏偏三星电子(SamsungElectronics)那时又卯足了劲。

    But Samsung Electronics was just powering up .

  11. 三星电子(SamsungElectronics)仍然位居第二。

    Samsung Electronics remained in second place .

  12. 三星电子还表示,NoteII花费了4个月时间才达到这一销量。

    The previous model , the Note II , took four months to reach the same shipment figure , Samsung said .

  13. 目前,李先生是三星电子的副会长,CEO以及国际合作部门的执行官。

    Currently , he is Vice Chairman , CEO and Global Collaboration Officer of Samsung Electronics .

  14. 3Group不仅是三星电子智能手机的全球移动运营商,也是苹果公司iPhone手机的运营商。

    His 3 Group carries Samsung smartphones globally , as well as iPhones from Apple .

  15. 三星电子(SamsungElectronics)能否像征服电视和智能手机市场一样,征服厨房家电市场呢?

    Can Samsung Electronics conquer kitchen appliances in the same way it has conquered televisions and smartphones ?

  16. 最重要的是,这些工艺进步很大程度上来自同一个制造商,即三星电子集团旗下的三星显示公司(SamsungDisplay)。

    Most importantly , these manufacturing improvements come largely from one single maker : Samsung Display , a division of Samsung Electronics .

  17. 三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)去年也公布了一款双操作系统平板电脑,这款产品目前尚未开始销售。

    Samsung Electronics Co. also announced a dual-OS tablet last year , a product that it hasn 't begun selling .

  18. 三星电子有限公司因发现盖乐世Note7智能手机配备的电池易燃,已召回所有配有这种电池的该型号手机并在10个市场暂停销售。

    Samsung Electronics Co has recalled all Galaxy Note 7 smartphones equipped with batteries it has found to be fire-prone and halted their sales in 10 markets .

  19. 包括韩国公司三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)和亚马逊在内的竞争对手正在侵蚀苹果曾经在平板电脑市场的主导地位。

    Rivals including South Korea 's Samsung Electronics Co. and Amazon are eroding Apple 's one-time dominance of the tablet market .

  20. 虚拟触觉技术在手机方面的使用仍然处于萌芽阶段,三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)是这方面的领先者。

    The use of haptics in mobile phones is still in its infancy , with Samsung Electronics Co. leading the way .

  21. 苹果公司(AppleInc.)并非上周五法庭上唯一的赢家,三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)也不是唯一的输家。

    Apple Inc. ( AAPL ) wasn 't the only winner in court Friday . Nor was Samsung the only loser .

  22. 三星电子决扩大进军非记忆体系统LSI市场

    Samsung Electronics decided to further expand its non-memory System LSI business

  23. 日本市场的一个独特之处是,全球最大智能手机制造商三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)的市场份额相对较小。

    One unique factor in Japan is the relatively small presence of Samsung Electronics Co. , the world 's largest smartphone maker .

  24. 苹果公司(Apple)与三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)专利诉讼案流出的新证据支持了外界的一个广泛猜测:或许这同样是一场苹果与谷歌(GoogleInc.)之间的战争。

    New evidence in the Apple-Samsung patent trial bolstered a widespread suspicion : this case might as well be called Apple v. Google .

  25. 不难看出,后者——联想(Lenovo)比三星电子(SamsungElectronics)的市场势头更强劲。

    It isn 't hard to see that the latter , Lenovo , has more market momentum than Samsung Electronics .

  26. 但它在智能手机市场的份额不到5%,远远落后于领先者三星电子(SamsungElectronics)和苹果(Apple)。

    But it has less than 5 per cent of the smartphone market , trailing leaders Samsung Electronics and Apple by a wide margin .

  27. 三星电子和SKTelecomCo.周二对于GALAXYRound自10月份面世以来的销售情况不予置评。

    Samsung and SK Telecom Co. on Tuesday declined to comment on the Galaxy Round 's sales since its launch in October .

  28. 在经过了多年的增长后,韩国三星电子(SamsungElectronics)明年也将不再增加全球广告预算。

    And , after years of increases , the global ad budget for South Korea 's Samsung Electronics won 't grow next year .

  29. 三星电子(samsungelectronics)承认,其在华工厂以及外部供应商存在违反劳动法规定的问题。

    Samsung Electronics has admitted breaches of labour regulations at its plants in China , as well as at those of outside suppliers .

  30. 三星电子一直在卖力推销GalaxyGear,不仅为其制作了音乐视频广告,甚至还找来足球明星代言。

    Samsung has been aggressively marketing the Galaxy Gear , featuring the smartwatch in music videos , and even having it worn by soccer stars .